A Journey of Faith Inside Out

As the tiny white butterfly is nourished from the nectar of the sunflower sustained in sunlight, so do we draw sustenance from God, the sovereign source of all light, life, and energy.


We are an Easter people. There is a reminder of this at a certain church where the huge Cross hanging over the altar shows the Crucufied Christ on one side and the Risen Christ on the other.

The Crucifix is the symbol of Christian faith, focused on Jesus our Redeemer. We are part of his dying, but so are we part of his rising. Yet in times of anxiety or disappointment, we may wonder where God has gone, much like the disciples walking to Emmaus, disheartened and confused over Christ's disappearance, even as He walked right next to them.

We pray for hearts constantly attuned to Him, so we may feel "hearts burning" in His constant presence. Our road to Emmaus , though not always easy, leads to Him. So He makes sure He accompanies us, because we are His.

Because we are an Easter people.

The Woman at the Well – a Social Outcast to an Evangelist

VICTOR LORENZO John 4:1-42 The transformation of a Samaritan woman from a social outcast to an evangelist. Let her story inspire us. The Pharisees had heard that...


We are an Easter people. There is a reminder of this at a certain church where the huge Cross hanging over the altar shows the Crucufied Christ on one side and the Risen Christ on the other.

The Crucifix is the symbol of Christian faith, focused on Jesus our Redeemer. We are part of his dying, but so are we part of his rising. Yet in times of anxiety or disappointment, we may wonder where God has gone, much like the disciples walking to Emmaus, disheartened and confused over Christ's disappearance, even as He walked right next to them.

We pray for hearts constantly attuned to Him, so we may feel "hearts burning" in His constant presence. Our road to Emmaus , though not always easy, leads to Him. So He makes sure He accompanies us, because we are His.

Because we are an Easter people.

Ambassadors of the Lord

VICTOR LORENZO Priscilla and Aquila: a couple missionary Romans 16:3-4 “Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus. In...


Under the DISCOVER entry, Marylou Garcia’s Reunited Reunions mulls over the definitions of reconciliation and reconnection and how the two might share a relationship. Going through a family and school reunion schedule, Marylou proposes that attendees refrain from setting expectations and allow the activity to flow freely with intimate exchanges and hearty laughter, making the event a worthwhile new experience. But she surprises us with an unexpected closing and manages to connect the “reunited reunions” with this website’s spiritual theme - the inevitable, singular, end-reunion of all in the LIFE AFTER.

In GIFTS & GRACES, the homily of Fr. Robert Manansala, OFM, entitled, A Man Who was After God’s Heart, reflects on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph with Pons Tanjangco, a dedicated church leader who died on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In his imperfection and the totality of his being, Pons embodied the beliefs and aspirations of a faithful follower of Christ, i.e., a life of holiness, a peaceful death, and an eternal union with God.

Our PANANAGUTAN entry is Ernie Maipid, Jr.'s article, Staying Related. He shares that a fundamental excitement of glorious aging is how he nourishes an active relationship with God through daily prayer in the family rosary. He shares his profound discoveries about praying, with active inputs from his grandchildren, whose innocence and simplicity magnify the humility of prostrating ourselves before the Holy Presence.


In this June's DISCOVER, White Butterfly features Michaelangelo Aguirre's personal experience of how generously God gives. Found with a tumor in his brain, Mike struggles and asks, 'Why God?'; later 'DISCOVERING GOD'S RADICAL GENEROSITY'.

For White Butterfly's GIFTS & GRACES this June, a son, PJ Mungcal pays tribute to father, Winston, whose quiet, palpable example of 'EXTRAVAGANT LOVE', (title of PJ's article) was suddenly cut short by brain aneurysm. Today, married and with family, PJ lives by his father's dictum and is deeply thankful.

For PANANAGUTAN in White Butterfly this month of our country's celebration of freedom, Jason Gonzales, reflects on his journey of servanthood to the people of Lambunao in Iloilo, which, as he recounts in his article, 'PRAYING THROUGH SERVICE', was ignited by his deep desire to 'serve in the largest possible way!'


It is a delight to note that the three articles in this issue converge on an unplanned basic theme. It is most significant that each writer’s experience reveals the Lord's unfolding plan for their personal lives and their service to others less fortunate. In their earnest desire to serve God, their families, and community at the same time, God has blessed their work and they all share the bounty, His fill of grace, 'that never runs out.'

Our DISCOVERY pick this May is Matthew Q. Vergara's article 'GOD MEANS OUR FINANCIAL GOOD.' Here, Matt discovers that among the many goods God provides for us is the money earned from the fruit of our toil. We are then called to be responsible stewards towards fulfilling money's purpose.

Our GIFTS & GRACES pick is Jessica Veronique O. Yu's 'COME AND LET US SEE,' where she recounts God's call for her to care for His poor. Her measure of value is her growing in compassion and wisdom, resulting from her meaningful interactions in her Gawad Kalinga leadership journey.

Our PANANAGUTAN pick is Rafael S. Dionisio's 'A DREAM TO RESTORE PARADISE.' The article notes the writer's experiential observations of our deteriorating environment in his touristic activities. This has seeded a growing advocacy for restoring creation according to God's original intent.

White Butterfly

"When God's power is manifested in the world, in his creation or in his people, God is glorified. When we pray that our lives may glorify him, we are asking that the self may be put down."
(Elisabeth Eliot)

God loves us and will use many ways and instruments to keep us in His company. He will draw us to Him through people, events, and circumstances. Sometimes He will send us unexpected messengers.

There it was one day, the surprise of an insignificant, tiny white butterfly, which seemed to carry an invitation for me to God's banquet. My answer, through His grace, led to a simple blog, which now evolved into this website.

White butterfly is a gathering place where God invites all to HONOR and GLORIFY Him, each in one’s unique way.

Please join us by sending us contributions for any of the website categories: ROAD TO EMMAUS, A RELEVANT CHURCH, DISCOVER, GIFTS & GRACES, and PANANAGUTAN.

We await you!