Showing Up




In the movie Fiddler On The Roof, poverty-stricken Tevye asks God if it would  “spoil a vast eternal plan” to make him a rich man. I had always found that childlike request amusing.   However, I later turned Tevye’s words into an agonized, desperate plea as my beloved sister battled cancer. Surely, it would not have hurt God’s “vast eternal plan” to save her?  Lord, please? But we lost our sister. God didn’t seem to be in the immediate vicinity then.

I recall an image from the Bible of two faithful but disheartened disciples, walking to Emmaus after Jesus dies. Where was he?  Had he totally abandoned them? I remember, too, my young grandson exasperated with catechism lessons.  He complained that “we keep talking of Jesus, Jesus, and he doesn’t even show up!”

Yet…Jesus did show up on that road to Emmaus, walking next to his disciples. At first, they didn’t recognize him, but there he was. He showed up in my sister’s life – so full of love and resplendent with grace and inner peace. He has been showing up for my grandson, just sent off to college by loving parents. And he shows up every single moment of my life, attending to me in relentless mercy, fidelity, and love.

How about me? Do I show up when God calls on me to forgive, serve others, get out of my self-absorption? To love others as he loves me?  And with a grateful heart, recognize Jesus walking beside me through all my struggles?  Or am I often asleep, late, too lazy, or busy?

From Bethlehem to Calvary to Emmaus – Jesus showed up every moment, beyond all doubt and expectations. The fantastic news is that he continues to accompany us and invites us to something even more.

“Come,” the Lord says. “Let me take you through the Easter life. I promise to be with you all the way! Just show up, yes?”


  1. Thank you for expressing how simple snd straightforward is God’s call. It is only us human beings who end up complicating it!

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