Hope Reborn



I dreamt I was going up a mountain alone using two paddles of a boat.  I was riding a flat, rectangular makeshift wooden vehicle with four wheels.  As I agonized through the narrow mountain road inch by inch, the struggle got longer, harder, and I was ready to give up.  I was filled with the thought that I would never be able to make it to the place where my husband and the rest of the company went.

I woke up from this dream and wondered what it was all about.   For a long time now, I have been having difficulty coping with my husband’s slow, debilitating illness and his resistance to treatment so that oftentimes, I want to give up and run away because it has demanded so much of my patience and understanding.   Deep down, I know that if I compare my problem with others, mine would not be any worse.   I also know that having faced many tough challenges in my life, I was able to pull through and these even made me a better person.  Yet my situation seems utterly hopeless, magnified a hundred times and I have never felt so alone.

An answer came immediately after I attended Sunday Mass.   I had forgotten God does not give up on those he loves.  He has actually never left me.   This was a moment of truth for me – and undeniably – a gift he revealed to me in faith.  It was like rain pouring down upon me as I realized so clearly that I had not completely and totally given up myself and my difficulty to him.  No wonder the struggle, the pain, the sadness, and the frustration persisted.  No wonder, I was so close to letting go.  I did need to give up but I needed to give up everything and ALL OF ME to HIM!

“Man can live forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope.”

(Unknown – quote from Matthew Kelly)




  1. It seems like a wake-up call for us to re-focus our utmost priority and attention to our Creator, WHO REALLY SHOULD BE OUR DAILY BREAD/PILLAR/CENTER OF OUR DAILY LIVES!!!
    With HIM AT THE CENTER OF .OUR LIVES > nothing can go wrong (figuratively and positively)!!!

  2. This Is an inspiration for people who feel hopeless with the way life is developing. There is a reason for everything. What keeps us going is the knowledge that Nothing Happens by Accident. We learn and Move On Stronger and Wiser.

  3. Giving ALL of ourselves to God is scary because then we become empty. However, we trust in our God who loves us.. who Himself emptied His ALL for us. This is consoling and encouraging. Lord, we pray that we may have the grace to allow this truth of your self-emptying love go deep into our hearts so we can give our ALL to you. Amen.

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