Following the Epiphany Star



As both my husband and I marked our 7th decade in life, we thank the Lord for the health of our minds, body, and soul.  What is God’s message for both of us?  Now that we are in the autumn or winter of our lives, what else does God want us to do?

For us, Epiphany’s message is to become light-bearers to our family, friends, and workmates.  We want to celebrate the gift of life with them and with members of our Christian community. They have accompanied us in our journey – in our quest towards our heavenly home.

As partners of evangelization, the process begins with ourselves. We try to live in peace and love with one another despite our human limitations and failures. Our extended families in the Couples for Christ (CFC) community provide us opportunities for our spiritual growth.

Our active involvement in CFC in the past was glorious. We spread the good news of Jesus and invited couples to enter into a personal relationship with him.  We reminisce about the time when we were sheep and served as shepherds of the CFC flock.

We hope that our children and grandchildren witness the life we live as Christians. We also want them to see our strong bonds with people with whom we have shared our good and bad times. We want to inspire them with our friends who serve as realistic models of their Christian faith. Despite the struggles of our friends, they remain faithful to their calling.

It has been our privilege to follow the Epiphany star. In our workplace, we want to give witness to our faith. We have no intention to convert anyone to our Catholic faith. But we want to contribute to creating just societies where values of righteousness, peace, and love reign.

We hope to spend the next years of our lives learning more about God’s plan for us – putting finishing touches. We hope that what we leave behind, no matter how insignificant, will shed a bit of light on our children, grandchildren, and the community at large.