Lord, Let my Cup Overflow!



“Me first before others!”

It sounds very selfish, but after some reflections, it makes a lot of sense. It is as sensible as the practical reminder before take off. “We ask you to put on your oxygen mask before you help your little ones put theirs.” It really means, please take care of our souls before we bother “to reach out” to the souls of others.

Yes. “Me first before others.” St. Ignatius reiterated in his Spiritual Exercises that we were created first to save our souls


We are all God’s Beloved. Henri Nouwen emphasizes that the Lord personally calls each one of us. He knew us before we were born. His love is not general but personal. I should clearly hear the Lord say, “This is Boy, my Beloved.” Only when I accept the grace that I am loved that my Cup of Love can be filled to the brim to overflowing to others.


After hearing Him, I begged the Lord to stretch my broken heart to a bigger receptacle from where a river of living water can overflow. ”

And what shall I do to return love with love now that I am not in pristine physical condition? St. Therese of Lisieux supplied a simple reply, “Just do the ordinary with extraordinary love.” There is no need for grandeur projects. The Blessed Mother herself lived a simple life. She said, “I am the Handmaid of the Lord. May it happen to me according to your word.” It was a simple “Yes,” then, “she kept everything in her heart.”

Hopefully, as I am prepared for this process, it will also shorten my purification time in purgatory. My perfect end will be when the Lord tells me as He did to the good thief at the Cross, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.”

I am stoutheartedly waiting for an extended time. “Please be patient; God isn’t finished with me yet. I am learning to be still; to waste time with the Lord and allow Him to bask a sinful me with His unconditional Love.”


  1. Dear Boy,

    Your White Butterfly contribution is the product of all those years of Jesuit education, the decades you and Celia prayed together and were involved in spiritual and NGO activities. Knowing how sick you’ve been, for so long, it is absolutely heart-warming to read something like this. May we all be as prepared, and as patient, as you when it’s our turn.

    lots of love,

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