The Wedding of Cana




John 2:1-11

On the third day there was a wedding of Cana here in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.

When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her,  “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.

His mother instructed those waiting on tables, “Do whatever he tells you.”

As prescribed for Jewish ceremonial washings, there were six stone water jars at hand, each holding fifteen to twenty-five gallons.

“Fill those jars with water,” Jesus ordered, at which they filled them up to the brim. “Now,” he said, “draw some out and take it to the waiter in charge.

They did as he instructed them. The waiter in charge tasted the water made wine without knowing where it had come from; only the waiters knew since they had drawn the water. Then the waiter in charge called the groom over and remarked to him: “People usually serve the choice wine first; then when the guests have been drinking awhile, a lesser vintage: What you have done is keep the choice wine until now. Jesus performed this first of his signs at Cana in Galilee. Thus did he reveal his glory, and his disciples believed in him. “

A Mother’s Influence

This incident truly tells us how strong the influence of Mother Mary was on Jesus. It was through her that Jesus’ first miracle happened, even though Jesus said: “My hour has not yet come!”

For Jesus, it was premature to have performed a miracle, a sign of His divinity. Not only that, it was not a “life-threatening situation.” It was a miracle for something that seemed inconsequential on the surface since it was to continue the festivities. He further said: “Woman, how does this concern of yours involve me?”

What else do we need to know? We should be convinced and have the faith as in the prayer, “Memorare” – through her “intercession; we will never be left unaided”!

Mgsr. Patricio Lim used to say that if we cannot enter through the front door of heaven, Mother Mary will open the window for us to climb into.

As an adage, some bible scholars have pointed out that the last recorded words in Mary’s Bible were said with great confidence in Cana: “Do whatever He tells you.”

Blessed Mother, please always intercede for us and “pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen!



  1. “Fill the jars…”

    Our Blessed Mother instructed the servers to “fill the jars”.
    In our daily lives, we must be aware of God’s “filling us up” with HIS immeasurable L❤VE!
    In so doing, we may “fill the jars” of others with our L❤VE so that the “filling up” process of L❤ve for others is infinite

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