Miracles for a Widow




Psalm 68:5: A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

Last night was the first time someone brought me to the Emergency Room (ER). It was one of those many instances when I felt the love of God for widows and orphans.

So let me share with you God’s faithfulness to His promises through my emergency room story.

I figured in a freak left-hand accident at home yesterday. When I examined my severely bleeding wounds, I knew I had to be brought to the emergency so they could stitch me up.

Being a widow, I had gotten used to helping myself. This accident meant bringing myself to the ER —alone. I suddenly felt sad, and this deep, heavy feeling came over me.

How I longed for my son, Jonathan, to be near me! But I thought this was impossible because he had just called me up two hours earlier saying that he was going home very late as he had to assist in three neurological surgeries. And these often took very long. Nevertheless, I sent him an urgent text about my accident but expected that I would not get any immediate answer.

But to my great surprise and relief, I received a call from Jonathan within fifteen miniutes of my call. The good Lord knew what I just needed. He knew I needed my son during this time.

Jonathan had just finished an operative procedure and was going to the next one when he decided to open his phone. I believe that the Lord was probably telling him – “Check your phone, you need to bring your mother to the ER.”

His superiors released him immediately from his duties so he could attend to me.
Bless those doctors, Lord.

And God’s love continues.

I had a very good surgery with Jonathan by my side the entire time. He called up my other very, loving child, Patricia who resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts, almost 2000 miles away from where I live. Patricia was in tears and felt so helpless because she could not be around to help me. I assured her that I was okay and that everything was going to turn out well.

I firmly believed that both my late husband, Chris, and my late mother, interceded and pleaded with the Lord to make Jonathan become aware of what was happening to me at the time. Likewise, I have this confidence that they are also praying for my good recovery.

God indeed is so wonderful.

Thank you for reading my story. I ask for your prayers for excellent wound healing. Thank you.

To God be the glory now and forever!



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