For Keeps






There was a time I would rebel against my mother’s teachings. Sometimes, I would do it right under her nose. “No, Mom, I’m not going to do my homework.” “No, Mom, I’m not going to fix my room.” And if things got heated, I would say, “This is MY life. You don’t OWN me.” At least that’s what my mother would tell me. At the tender age of four, I put my hands on my hips and vehemently took the territory of my life and all that went with it.

Then, if I couldn’t directly do what I wanted,  I would vow to myself that I would never subject my own daughter to this torment.  I mean, why on earth was it crucial that I fix my room at that very moment? Didn’t she know that mothers would understand that their daughters had their own lives?! Gosh! After such a long day at school, this was my only time to relax, and she wanted me to fix the room that wasn’t really messy to me in the first place?! What a horrible mother I had!  Ugh! I deserved better!

Anyway, time passed, and you will be amazed at the complete revolution in our relationship and, what’s more, my own outlook in life. And that’s why I wrote this article. My mother’s advocacy of spreading the Lord’s goodness to the very ends of the Earth has not only rubbed off on me but made me truly believe in its importance. Her words, her advice, her teachings are definitely… “for keeps.” This is my mother’s legacy to me. As long as I live, what I learned from her will not perish.


  1. Beautiful, Amanda! You learned your lessons well from the best … your lovely Mom. God bless you both.

  2. Mother knows best! Thanks for an insightful touching sharing! What a beautiful gift to your mom for Mother’s Day!

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