The Heart and The Intercessors



When we want to reach out to one another, especially in times of need, whether we’re just a fence or several time zones apart, whether we know each other personally or not, we often come to one another’s rescue by praying for one another. The powerful gift of intercessory prayer had never been as dramatic in my family‘s life as when several health challenges visited us this past year.

In July 2018, our daughter, Berry, gave birth to baby Julia, born with heart murmurs, which her doctors hoped would disappear within a few months.

My Daughter, Berry

Meanwhile, shortly following her Caesarian section, Berry had to undergo a hysterectomy after being diagnosed with arteriovenous malformation, disrupting normal blood flow and oxygen circulation. Barely a month later, her family rushed her back to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. Three surgeries in four months!

I became a full-time mother and grandmother to Berry’s three very young children as she went in and out of the hospital. Bob, our other children, and I took turns visiting Berry and husband Jack at the hospital.

My Granddaughter, Julia

When Berry finally recovered from her surgeries, she took care of Julia but woe! Julia’s heart murmurs had become louder and more frequent. Her pediatric cardiologist recommended an open-heart surgery to be done when Julia reached one year.

It was tough for us to accept that Julia’s fragile body would undergo such an operation. Her father, Jack, would break down and cry and started questioning God.

Intercessory Prayers for Julia

I, the anxious Lola, immediately called on my prayer warriors. Receiving text prayer messages brought peace to my heart and, sometimes, tears to my eyes.

Our friend, Fr Evans Wakhongola, an SVD priest assigned to the Mountain Province, heard about Julia. He promptly offered to come to Manila to say Mass for Jack and Berry in their home.

Jack, feeling somewhat abandoned by God, planned to skip the Mass but stayed when Bob and the rest of the family arrived. The Mass and homily touched Jack deeply. It restored his trust in God.  Fr Evans and Jack became good friends, with Fr Evans visiting the family whenever he came to Manila.

One morning, Jack’s father shared the story of Julia with his golf mate. The latter recommended having a second opinion, and this led Berry to Dr. Cheng. After seeing Julia, her records, and history, Dr. Cheng deemed surgery necessary with the concurrence of Dr. Karl Reyes, a US-based pediatric cardiologist surgeon whom he consulted.

The surgery was set for April 14. As the date approached, Berry wept and asked me how she was to prepare for Julia’s surgery, “knowing that they are going to first of all break her ribs? And then remove her heart, make it stop, sew the hole and return it to its place?” I was speechless as I, too, cried. Adding to our worry was Julia’s bout with cold and fever that would leave her vulnerable to infection and pneumonia.

Julia’s Open-Heart Surgery

Dr. Reyes arrived to perform five scheduled surgeries – Julia being last on the list. After three days and three surgeries; however, Dr. Reyes was called back to the States for an emergency. Julia would have to wait until his return.

What happened stunned us. The delay was clearly a Godsend, giving Julia time to recover. It also allowed us to accept the surgery and more time for Jack and Berry to rely on the Lord and experience peace. Surgery was re-set for May 9.

Once again, I called on my army of prayer intercessors. And because of everyone’s non-stop prayers, we received the grace and strength to prevail through the trials, especially Berry. She felt great faith and entrusted everything to the Lord. Jack thanked God and admired his wife’s strength. Had she given up, he said he would not have made it himself.

On the day before the operation, Dr. Reyes told us that he had never received so many text prayer messages for himself and his patient. I discovered that his mother had also requested prayers for her “physician-son who was operating on a baby” –  Dr. Reyes and Julia!

On May 9, we were all at peace as we accompanied Berry and Julia to the hospital, praying for Julia and the hands of Dr. Reyes and his team as he operated on her tiny heart. And accompanying us was our powerful chain of prayer intercessors, including the surgeon‘s own mother, who had never even met his little patient.

Julia is now a happy, active 11-month old baby. Perhaps one day, her grateful family will tell her the story of The Heart and The Intercessors and how they came together, under God, in time for her first birthday.

*Written with the assistance of Alice E. Gonzaga


  1. I am happy and thank God for how he has been Emmanuel (God with us) in your life and that of all of your family. I remember you asking that we pray for a miracle and indeed God granted the miracle in the lives of baby Julia and Berry. May God continue being Emmanuel in the lives of all of your family members.

  2. I really admire Berry’s trust and faith in GOD. Her three surgeries and Julia’s as well. i mentioned this to Burz, her brother.

  3. Love this little one!
    Baby July almost had the same story as my daughter in law, but her heart condition was only found out whilst pregnant the second time, had an open heart surgery too, for mitral valve defect.
    She’s almost over 5 years successful op; will get the needed check up soon, praying all is well.
    I’ve asked her too for prayers for Baby Julia; will show her how prettyly healthy this little one is!
    God bless Kats and Baby Julia’s hearts for life

  4. Betsy, Thank you for your story about Julia, Jack and Berry It is truly inspiring and made my trust in God stronger. Indeed He works in mysterious ways. More prayers are offered for you and your famikt.

  5. I will never get tired of reading this story of faith in God’s goodness and mercy. God truly loves us and takes care of all His children. God bless you and your family. Clarisse

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