CEO to Shepherd



On June 1, 2018, I had an ordination as a Catholic priest. After 55 years of meandering through two seminaries, philosophy, regency, marriage, and children. Along with it came my master’s degrees in business and a successful international corporate career.  Several years after my wife’s cancer and later demise, I felt a strong call back to the priesthood. I ended up in the school of theology for my pastoral course and training.  From a secular life of barking orders and fiats behind me,  I now submit myself in humility and obedience to my bishop.

May the anointing of the Spirit abide in me! And if this is a dream, I don’t wish to wake up!

How did this happen?  I can only attribute it to the Holy Spirit’s sense of humor and God’s grace. I draw inspiration from a scriptural passage.  This is in John 21:15-19, where Jesus asks Peter three times:  “Simon Peter, do you love me more than these?”

Just as Peter had denied Jesus three times before his death, Peter professes his LOVE for Jesus in a three-fold declaration: “ Lord, you know that I love you.” This served as a way of wiping out the memory of Peter’s three-fold denial.  It brought Peter a TASK.  “ If you love me, then give your life to shepherding my sheep, my flock.”  A special privilege brings with it an enormous responsibility.” Likewise, it brought Peter a CROSS.  This is because love comes with both duty and sacrifice!

The words of Jesus to Peter were as if he hurled the same question to me.  Are you prepared to give up all the comfort you currently enjoy? Are you ready to abandon business and career, even new love?  How about all other pursuits? Will you surrender yourself forever to my people and my work, for my flock?

Yes, Lord, here I am!

“Only those who will risk going too far can find out how far they can go. We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” – T.S. Eliot.



  1. For some reason, Lambert’s sharing brought tears to my eyes. I am awed by the momentous decision he has taken, and I can only pray that God’s grace always remains in him.

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