The Messages Are Out There!




Nine days ago, I was honored to be both a humble witness and an instrument to a miracle.

My long-time helper’s 7-year old granddaughter, Chrislene, suffered severe burns from boiling water, affecting a big area of her outer left leg. And because children’s skin is thinner compared to that of adults, the hot water caused second/third-degree burns.

When I saw the picture of the leg, I immediately offered to bring  Chrislene to my pediatrician. My helper, Marlene, only accepted the offer a week after the accident because by then, her granddaughter could no longer straighten her leg or walk!  The burn was starting to heal, and there was skin contracture (tightening of the skin around the burned area), forcing the child’s leg to be in a bent position. Any attempt to straighten it was excruciatingly painful and would cause the skin to tear open, resulting in a wound.

I brought a very somber, withdrawn Chrislene to my pediatrician on a Thursday. She didn’t want to be touched. She had gone through 5 horrible days of scraping dead skin and peeling off stuck gauze from her burn! She was understandably traumatized by the pain and visits to doctors. Her mother carried her the whole time. One look at the burn and my pediatrician prescribed, we see a plastic surgeon. Luckily the doctor she recommended had a clinic that afternoon! We went home to kill time before our appointment.

In the car, I sat Chrislene beside me to try and encourage her and gain her trust. I told her about her guardian angel and prayed out loud to him. I also told her about her mind’s power and how her decision to TRY would already make a difference. I could tell she was considering what I was saying. Finally, her face lit up, and her body relaxed. I told her if she promised me she’d try, I would give her a prize to seal the deal. I was rewarded with a big smile and a high five!

The surgeon confirmed our worst fears. Chrislene would need a series of operations, including a skin graft from her behind to walk again. It was also a given that there would be major scarring. All our hearts fell. Back in the car, I reminded everyone to stay positive. Trust God! At least we knew what needed to be done!

I called my friend who owns a hospital, and she got back to me quickly with the name of a plastic surgeon specializing in burns and wounds. He happened to practice in a hospital close to where my helper lived. Perfect! With that behind us, we went to the mall happily to buy Chrislene her prize.  She now excitedly sat in the wheelchair and did not need to be carried. Her aura was so different! She was all smiles, full of energy and her burn seemed now to be just incidental!

After our shopping, while we waited for the car to pick us up, a well-known lady (whom I did not know personally) also happened to be waiting for her car. She approached Chrislene in her wheelchair and gave her and her mom a St. Benedict necklace. My helper Marlene, who did not witness the gesture, was so touched by it. She believed that blessings are more powerful when given unexpectedly and not asked for. She told her granddaughter: that medal is what is going to heal you! Just pray to Papa Jesus every day to heal you! Chrislene never removed the medal, sometimes falling asleep with it in her hand. Her prayer every night was: “Papa Jesus, please heal me!”

On Sunday evening (3 days after we first went to the hospital), as Chrislene’s mom was applying medicine on the burn, all the dead skin and scabs just fell off, revealing smooth pink skin! No burn scar contractors! Later that evening, Chrislene was watching TV and had to go to the bathroom. When she got up from her chair, her leg straightened!! No bleeding! No wound! She was able to walk! AMAZING!!! Truly a miracle!!!! I showed the picture of the healed leg to my pediatrician, and she agreed – miracle of miracles!! Thank you, God!! Thank you, angels!

As my mom always says, miracles are the timing of things. It does not always have to be a big dramatic event like this one! It could simply be being at the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, seeing signs when we need them! Synchronicity or meaningful coincidences is the “simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”

These coincidences are signs from above meant to strengthen our faith and belief that we are indeed guided! The messages are out there! We need to fine-tune our antennas by doing good deeds, thinking positive thoughts, and always speaking kindly to become more receptive to hearing, seeing, and feeling this guidance!! AMEN!!





  1. Miracles are manifestations that you have found favor with God!
    Thank you, Lord, for granting the miracle of healing to Chrislene who needed it most.
    Thank you, Celine, for your kindness and generosity to Marlene and her family.

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