God is Good… Always




The Lord blinded me that I may see!

It started 33 years ago when I wounded my left cornea. And then, I had a detached retina in 2001 and 2003, first, on my good right eye, and later, on my blind left eye. Last August, I had another case: a macular hole on my good right eye.

There was one message for me all these times while I laid helpless in bed. God reminded me that I did not have to do anything to earn His unconditional love. I was too involved to help solve the poor’s problems, thinking of myself as their messiah. I realized that my “blindness” was a reminder that it was God’s LIGHT that should shine and not my presence in these poor communities.

I had to undergo another operation to close a macular hole on my good right eye in August. Thank God it was done by the same doctor who successfully twice operated on me 18 years ago. I had to be bedridden again, this time in a more awkward and uncomfortable position: face down, lying on my stomach for about 20 hours a day. This position was needed to help prevent the hole to re-open. I was told total healing would be for four to six weeks; the average time for the gas in my eye to naturally be totally replaced by fluid. With my already blind left eye, I was completely kept in the “dark.” I had to be led, fed and put to bed. But it was a time for prayer for my loved ones, for all my relatives and friends, and myself. I knew many prayer warriors were storming heaven for me as Celia and my sister, Antee, shared my condition on social media. All their prayers were heard, for I was allowed to be upright after a shorter period of only 10 days!

The Lord has a special way of showing His Love for me. Blindness has been His way to get me to focus and to stop needless anxieties and spent energy. God has impressed on me that all is well; a true sign that He allows me to continue His work as He pleases. The Lord is telling me that He is in control and not me. He may use me to
give comfort and convey the words of His love, but it is Him. In the end, it is Him that applies the finishing touches.

The Lord blinded me that I may truly see! It is His way to tell me that I should not just work for Him. Rather, I should do His work.

God is good… always!


  1. Indeed, your vision starts with your heart, dear Evelyn, and you are pretty special to the Lord! Have a blessed birthday on the 28th!

  2. Very good sharing Evelyn, confirms what the Bible says in 1 cor. 3:11-15. If the work we do for the Lord is wood, stubble or hay stemming from our own effort it will burn but if it is made of gold meaning the foundation of our work was laid on Jesus and His leading we will receive a reward and will survive fire. Great lesson learned in the midst of crisis. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you evelyn for sharing what your mind has revealed, your heart has spoken and your story has touched those who read it. I cant imagine what you must have gone through with all this blindness, but can only say in awe what a wonderful courageous and patient person you are. Wish we had more bonding times even by phone.

  4. Thank you Evelyn for sharing your beautiful story and giving us the model to follow! God bless you even more!

  5. My dear Evelyn, I am in awe! What a beautiful outlook you have despite the hardship you were and are experiencing. To me you are a saint! My own experience as someone visually impaired is actually nothing compared to yours. I thank you, Evelyn, for the beautiful, profound example you have given all of us, especially me. May the Lord bless us all! Love you, Evelyn. Asking for your prayers. Take care n praying for you too!

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