Entrust My Accident-Prone Family to God’s Saving Plan



“Accidents and allergies!” My 9-year old daughter Kaitlyn got her finger broken by a swinging glass door, which needed an operation. We just discovered that Sev, who is 12-years old, was allergic to shellfish, and we had to rush him to an emergency room. Max, my highly active 6-year old, got a cut on the forehead because of rollerblading. Finally, our youngest, 3 years old Samuel, slipped and hit his head on a corner inside our home, which caused bleeding on his forehead. What a year it was, 2019!

Yet, I feel blessed. They’re all alive (whew!), they recovered, and now more active than ever!

My wife, Michelle, and I grew up in the Couples for Christ community. We were formerly members of Youth for Christ. We fell in love in Singles for Christ. That’s about 24 years in the loving arms of a Catholic community. We were brought up to put our faith over our fears. Instead of living in fear daily for our kids’ lives, we have learned that we should give our best to raise them in the Faith, to instill confidence in themselves, to love each other, and to trust in the Lord. After all, as parents, we don’t own our kids. We are just stewards of these beautiful children given by the Lord. However, they may grow up in the future; whatever path they may decide to take, I put them in God’s hands. I lay my worries to rest and turn them into petitions.

Do you have fears? Do you worry about the future of your loved ones?

I remember reading this proverb:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

Oh, my greatest prayer is for the Lord to “make straight” the path of my kids. Yet, I also realize that I have to show them what that means. As parents, we have to strive to walk in the path of the Lord, so they know which direction to take. Oh, I admit, how far we are from being “model” parents. But there’s one thing I always show them that I hope they will bring with them as they grow older. When I’m mistaken—which happens all the time—I talk to each of them, look them in the eye, and I say, “I’m sorry, it was my fault. Please, forgive me.” Then they would hug me and forgive me. I want them to learn that humility is the way to live a peaceful life. Pride has brought no one true success.

In life, accidents may happen. But for me, one thing is clear. With God, there are no accidents. He loves us with full intention. He has a beautiful plan for our families, and even if we go astray sometimes, that plan stands and is always available. His plan is for all of us to be with Him in Heaven when our time comes. God makes His plan simple. He sends Jesus to show us the way to Heaven, and then we follow Jesus.

Whatever pain this year may have caused us, let’s go back to His plan. Difficult, yes. But, it is the straight path, and it will bring us the peace we seek.


  1. Enlightening.. Inspiring.. I will send to my son who has a young family.. Children ages 13, 9, 8.
    Please pray for all parents with young growing children..that they will all be guided by the Holy Spirit in parenting so that the Lord can make straight the path of their children.
    – lola of 4

  2. What an inspiration Kirby and Michelle’s experiences are! I often forget that nothing happens by chance. We just have to trust the Lord that all that are happening, whether good or bad, are meant to make us closer to him. We cannot hear this if there is no quiet time in us. We have to put away , everyday, quiet time with the Lord so we hear what he tells us, instructs us, molds us.
    And the best lesson from Michelle is when to say “sorry, it’s my fault”. We learn so much from these few words.

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