Excuses, Excuses



This is the last entry before Christmas of 2019. The more I think about it, everyone on this earth has a different way of spending this occasion. Whether you are a Catholic, a Hindu, or someone who believes in Santa, Christmas is inevitable. This brings us to the thought: What is Christmas to me?

When I was younger, I anticipated receiving presents. Then it changed when I was in my teens. All I wanted was to survive family luncheons and not be overtaken by boredom. And now, as a grown woman, it still is about gift-giving. But this is no longer about me receiving these gifts but rather about my giving. Like I told one of my “Titas” (aunts), I have gladly assumed it’s a role reversal.

Moreover, living in the Philippines has rubbed off on me. I thought that I would never feel what we call “utang na loob.” It can be interpreted in many ways, either positive or negative. To me, it could be appreciating the favors and the generosity given to me. So it’s the idea that I want to give back.

What Christmas means to me

But what makes me this way? I also get to be more loving, but why is it that I want to love more at this time? I am happy, but who gave me my life so I could experience this unspeakable joy?

I think that this is why our Lord chose to be born in such a simple way. He was born in a manger, not on a grand throne, and quietly. He was born without a fuss. So he can pave the way for me to celebrate my unique gifts and give back myself to him and others.

In other words, Christmas is an excuse to be on my best behavior. And without Jesus as my excuse, December 25 would just be… December 25.


  1. Beautiful Amanda!!! Thankyou for sharing. You are truly even more blessed to have such thoughts enlightening you. Have a joy-filled Christmas and May your joy stay with you all throughout 2020!

  2. Thank you, dear Amanda! Surely you have just delivered a wondrous gift with your reflection. How well you acknowledge and give back from your “utang na loob” to him who is your perfect Excuse for exuding the true meaning of December 25.

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