On Father’s Day



My Fatherhood is of God’s Making.

Fathering is perhaps the next most significant event in my life, next to marrying and loving my wife, Gigi.

I still recall my anxious question that December day, about 39 years ago. Gigi excitedly broke the news of Karl’s conception: ‘What do I teach my child?’ It dumbfounded me that I was then turning 27. Married for almost 3 years – yet feeling so inadequate about fathering!

Moving Forward

Time has taken a giant leap to today! I am now 65 and a grandfather of 7. It did not even impress me that I had mastered the art of fathering. And now, I am a grandfather? All I recall is that I worked, I loved, and I prayed.

Today, I look back and say…

Thank you, my children. It has been a great privilege serving you – Karl, Pao, and Min. I see you all having grown up to be good people whose lives will change the world for the better. Kisses to your mother, who stood by me all these years and believed in the very best I can give as your father.  She is one outstanding woman – my gift from heaven!

Your marriages are “made” in heaven as only God can bring the goodness in Steph, Aud, and Jai, who married you and completed our family. Your mother and I stand confident, seeing you all happy in raising your own children.

This is our unspeakable joy!

A Generous God and a Grateful Heart

I have this vision years from now when your mother and I will no longer be around. When your own children start to leave home to be on their own, you will understand. You will come to appreciate God’s gifts and blessings we had shared with you. Then, only gratitude will remain to overflow in your hearts.

God has truly been so good and generous. To Him, be all honor. Glory and praise!


  1. I am so touched by this Ernie, because Gerry and I personally know you and of course Gigi and your children. We have seen how you have raised your family , persevering in your faith in the midst of all your challenges and difficulties. But now , you are reaping the fruits of your labor for we see all your children happily married and blessed with their own kids. You have done a wonderful job as a faithful servant of God and a devoted father and husband. Happy Father’s Day! God bless!

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