I See the Light*



Kathryn sent our family her own rendition of the song, “I See the Light,” from the movie, Tangled. I not only loved the song and her beautiful singing, but I also kept the music on my phone. It has become one of my most treasured joys when listening to her song.

I dedicate this article to Kat today on her 30th birthday.

Without exception, the current pandemic has run everyone’s life for almost half of 2020. It has affected every human being in the entire universe – an impact that is beyond measure. It is changing us…our attitudes, the way we perceive things, act, and behave during our every waking moment. There is none so critical a time than this period.

I sometimes feel this entire experience as surreal. But it is a stark reality no matter how much my instinct wants to repel or bury it, run away from it, and hide. Seriously speaking, for many or all, the pandemic is a time of a crisis in faith. It is also a time to redefine the purpose and meaning of why we live on this planet today.

But amidst this darkness and unprecedented times, a sparkle of light remains in me. It is the unchanging and faithful God I chose to believe in. My heart and my spirit soar high whenever I experience this reality as vivid as ever. I see God more clearly, and his face shines brighter as each day passes. Even under these often sad and somber circumstances, I manage to stay calm and stable. He is the God to whom I owe my life and to whom I belong. It is he who I follow, to where I am going, and being forever united with when I am no longer bound to this earthly dwelling.

More than ever, I see myself as the SUNFLOWER that looks to the sun for nourishment and fulfillment. This light – this sun, this God is what pushes me and gives me the energy to go on living and find meaning in it. God lightens up my day, no matter how dark and dreary it is or may become.

This love song you can play at the bottom of this page may be about Rapunzel and her Prince Charming. But it is a perfect love song for my God who, after all, is the Source and Creator of light and life itself.

Genesis 1: 1-3

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth — and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a might wind sweeping over the waters. Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light.

Music by Alan Menken
Lyrics by Glenn Slater

All those days, watching from the windows.
All those years, outside, looking in.
All that time, never even knowing 
just how blind I’ve been.

Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight.
Now I’m here; suddenly I see.

Standing here, it’s oh, so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be.
And at last I see the light,
And it’s like the fog has lifted. 
And at last I see the light,
And it’s like the sky is new.
And it’s warm and real and bright,
And the world has somehow shifted.

All at once, everything looks different,
Now that I see you.

All those days, chasing down a day-dream.
All those years living in a blur.
All that time, never truly seeing 
Things the way they were.

Now she’s here, shining in the starlight.
Now she’s here; suddenly I know:
If she’s here, it’s crystal clear
I’m where I’m meant to go.

And at last I see the light,
And it’s like the fog has lifted.
And at last I see the light,
And it’s like the sky is new.

And it’s warm and real and bright,
And the world has somehow shifted.
All at once, everything is different,
Now that I see you.  Now that I see you.


  1. 6/26/2020 8:01 PM EDT, Thank you Celia for sharing your great faith in our God. And thank you for sharing your daughter’s song; she has a beautiful voice. Happy birthday to her; may God bless her with many more to come in good health, peace, joy and prosperity. Best regards. Greg Mariano, Jr.

    • Thank you Celia for the wonderful reflection on how to remain focused on the Lord and His goodness, amidst the new reality we live in, the complex and dramatic changes we are confronted with. You state with so much impact the need to understand that our faith lives are being redefined. And truly only in our Lord will all things remain constant, and if we are steadfast, then “who can be against us? ” As you celebrate Katherine’s birthday I pray that she who is so talented and gifted will receive an extra portion of His blessings.

  2. Happy Birthday and special prayers for you today, dearest Kat! And a Happy Re-birth to all of us seeing the new life that God, through this pandemic, is calling us to live, with fearless trust and unceasing gratitude.
    Beautiful, Celia.

    • What a serene voice of your daughter and the beautiful reflection. Thank you for sharing, Celia!

  3. First off, Celia, Kat has such a beautiful voice. She’s so blessed to have that talent. Secondly, yours is the faith and I’m praying for to have. It’s so inspiring and unshakeably strong. Thank you for sharing, Celia.

  4. Thank you Celia for sharing your beautiful thoughts and the enchanting voice of Kat. May Kat continue to be blessed in her 30th year and may we all remain steadfast in our faith that God is always with us through these trying times! God bless!

  5. Your article expressed so beautifully what is in my heart. Thank you for sharing! Kat sang the song so well. What a fitting gift this is on the occasion of her birthday!

    • This is so refreshing, Celia! God walks in our midst! And we often miss it! The song brings hope and breaks through our walls of insensitivity. Thanks to Kat!

  6. Yes, Celia — our lives, systems and routines have been upended by a pandemic, by racial
    injustice, by isolation and inequality. And although the experience sometimes feels surreal, it is indeed very real — but our faith and trust in God will always see us through!

  7. Am glad I took time to read this article that connects me to God in these abnormal times! Celia, you have so much to share from the depth of your faith! Listening to the angelic voice of Kat was very refreshing!

  8. Hi Celia – what a wonderful witness you are to our faithful GOD !!!
    I hope all of us will remember this special time as God’s call to return to Him and that He alone can fill our hearts with peace and joy.
    Please send our belated birthday greetings to Kat and warm hugs to all your family members. Evelyn

  9. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful insight. I can relate with the feeling of being drawn into darkness especially during these times of lockdown as caregivers of our husbands. Without our faith to cling to, how do we keep from falling deep down the tunnel? It is the voice of our guardian angel, the music (like Kat’s angelic song) that leads us upwards to “see the light” that flickers at the end of the tunnel. There is hope indeed!

  10. Happiest of birthdays dearest Katherine! As usual your angelic voice made this song so beautiful and heartwarming. Thank you Tita Celia for continuing to inspire us with this blog! Now I have even more reasons to love the 🌻!

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