Walk on the Moon





“I say my walk on the Moon lasted for three days, and it was a great adventure.  But my walk with God lasts forever”.

Charles Duke, Apollo 16 Lunar Module Pilot

“There I was, and there you are, the Earth – dynamic, overwhelming, and I felt that the world has, there’s too much purpose, too much logic, it was just too beautiful to happen by accident.  There has to be somebody bigger than you and bigger than me.  And I mean this in a spiritual sense.  There has to be a creator of the universe who stands above the religions that we ourselves create to govern our lives”.

Eugene Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander

I am awed when I think of us as minute specks on planet Earth – in this vast place called the universe. We must agree with the astronaut, Eugene, that there must be a God who created this great, big, beautiful world.

If every living and non-living thing on earth has its place and purpose, what more of us human beings. We were born into this world not by accident but by God’s design. It is amazing to think that God has a divine plan and purpose for each one of us, no matter how small and insignificant we may feel in this vast world he created. As a Christian, I am even more awed that I have a body and a soul, and I was created in his image and likeness. The fact that I am here, living at this moment in time, and writing this article is a wonderment!

Jeremiah 29:13-14

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.”

God wants us to have a direct connection with him through prayer. We learn to wait for and on him for his answers. On the other hand, we find that in the passage of Isaiah 30: 18, God also waits for us. He wants us to approach him.

Truly, the Lord is waiting to be gracious to you, truly, he shall rise to show you mercy; for the Lord is a God of justice: happy are all who wait for him.”

Learning to pray

Luke 17:20-21

Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”

Jesus retreated to the mountains to pray. I, too, have found that I can listen and hear what he wants to say to me in solitude.

I do not hear God when I am angry, fearful, or anxious; also, when I am busy talking or rattling my prayers to him. But when in humility, I empty my mind and open my heart, this is when the miraculous begins to happen.

I feel refreshed and renewed. I hear his “voice” and recognize a fresh point of view, i.e., I see new things from his perspective. This is my heart to heart moment with God!

Below is a song about prayer which my sister, Monina, composed the year before discovering she had cancer. We were able to record it together a few months before her death. Monina found a poem she liked so much that she decided to set it to music.

My Quiet Place (music)



I daily come to my quiet place that’s far from trouble and strife

Where I can piece together all the puzzles of my life

It’s there away from T.V. and books and far from the telephone

just him and him alone

And there God pours his balm of love into the life I live

And there I find the peace and joy that only he can give, he can give

I will not fear circumstances I face from day to day

For daily in my quiet place I’m learning how to pray

I’m learning how to pray



  1. Thank you Tita Celia for sharing this beautiful piece written by Tita Monina. I feel her peaceful presence as I listen to it.

  2. Beautiful lyrics and great music ! Thank you, Celia, for sharing. The music portrays Monina’s calm spirit, her dainty smile, and the softness of her voice.

  3. The lyrics and melody of my ever gentle, soft spoken, caring and loving cousin Monina’s “A Quiet Place” brings to life her faith and desire to commune more deeply with Him. Thank you Monina for your composition that not only immortalizes our memory of the beautiful and loving person you are, but invites us to long for daily and deeper communion with our Lord. We know you are resting in the bosom of our Loving Father.

  4. What a beautiful reminder Monina gives me….He made me body and soul, unto His image. I am more awesome than the moon and the earth, I, a mere speck in all of His creation. Yet He sent His only begotten son to bring me back to my home….heaven.
    Another reminder from Monina, we cannot talk to Him when we are agitated, anxious or angry. That is why I never feel refreshed after blabbering off my prayers.
    Thank you Monina, for your wonderful Walk on the Moon.

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