One of a Kind





Everyone is familiar with sand. Its colors may range from pale cream to brown, pink, orange, or black. It is one of those things around us that we take for granted. In early 2000, Greenberg discovered a hidden treasure. He placed the grains of sand under the microscope he had invented and magnified it hundreds of times. He was enthralled at the “art” he saw. The picture in this article shows each grain as extraordinary. Each one is beautiful and unique in its size, shape, color, and form. No grain is alike.

I came across this picture on the internet, and I was amazed and fascinated. No longer will sand feel and look the same to me again.

What does a grain of sand imply?

If the grains of sand are just inanimate objects, what does this imply to us who have a life? Our uniqueness is evident. You and I may look a little bit like someone or have a similar background to others. The fact is we are unique in identity and history among the billions of people on this planet.

As a Christian, I find much meaning in this. Unfortunately, it remains hidden to those who do not believe in God or doubt his existence like the sand. God cannot reveal to them the wonder and glory of his creation in the fullest way!

“God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:28) I was born with a body and soul. The soul is often interchanged with heart and spirit. God resides in my inner being – in my soul. This reality is my divine connection to him, my life’s purpose, and the reason for my spiritual journey on earth. As my earthly, physical life ends, my final destiny begins. My life -my soul -continues to live, and a new beginning awaits me in my eternal home, united with God, in heaven.

In God’s eyes

This part is the most interesting. My soul is unique. God gave me free will and endowed me with his gifts and blessings. I receive his grace as each day comes. This gift helps me live according to his plan. To respond to God’s call is my choice. I can become a saint with a big S or a small S., Or I can remain obstinate and fail to tread the path he has marked for me. IT IS REALLY UP TO ME!

God does not compare my growth in spiritual life with others. Why should I? In his eyes, I am one-of-a-kind – a special one. I am like one of the grains in the sand. I must do the same and treat others as one of a special kind, one of his.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.  To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” (Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

*My brother, Ruben M. Tanseco, SJ, had constantly reminded us to recognize and honor our uniqueness as God had made us. There is no one exactly like another at any time, in any way. I dedicate this article/reflection to Ruben, a glorious one-of-a-kind, unmatched, beloved, and now called home by an unconditional love we call God.


  1. What inspiring insight and writing, Celia! Thank you for sharing the grace that God bestowed on you as you wrote this reflection.

  2. Ruben would be happy that you dedicated your article and reflection to him, Celia; good to keep the sand in mind at all times. Well written too!

  3. This article gives me hope because during this pandemic, if we hold on to our uniqueness, we will have a something to hold onto no matter how the world changes.

    But going even deeper, being unique is a challenge. Like you said, you will never look at a grain of sand the same way again. I will now remember that I cant just saunter along the path that I made but I am challenged to find the unique path that God made for me before I was born.

    Thank you Mom for writing this article because it has given me the chance to bring back the glory to God.

  4. Beautifully written! Thanks for reminding us that we are just a grain the sand but unique in God’s eyes therefore we in turn should treat others the same way God sees us, “one of a kind”!

  5. How wonderful to be reminded that we are all God’s BELOVED !!! His plans for us are all for our good and He is beside us in our journey back to heaven. Thanks, Celia.

  6. Thank you for your beautifully-written reflection on the unique abilities and blessings God has given each one of us as we traverse this journey and play out the roles that God has set for us. Just as these grains of sand exist side-by-side and rub against each other as the wind and water churns them, so too do we act upon, and against, each other, hopefully more in ways that are beneficial. As I look back on my own life, I am surprised at where God has brought me. I know God equipped me for everything He planned for me to do. Fr. Ruben was one of my professors at Ateneo, and he showed a respect for each one of us that enabled us to consider our strengths and possibilities. Fr. Ruben was one of the blessings God gave in my life.

  7. Dear Celia, this is a much-delayed comment on your “One of a Kind” Post, which I read again just now. Like grains of sand and our souls, snowflakes are also one-of-a-kind — no two are identical, and each single crystal is unique — all proofs and manifestations of “the wonder and glory of His creation”!

  8. Hi Celia, after reading your article on sand & people, allow me to share some of my thoughts based on your analogy.
    1. Just as our feet hurt on a hot sand, our feelings can also be hurt by people. By wearing flip flops our feet are protected, we can protect our feelings by being tolerant, understanding, broad minded.
    2. We create sand castles. Same thing with people, our relationship has an influence & impact on the formation of of people especially of our children.
    3. Some sand are washed away into the ocean by waves & tides. People too experience the loss of love ones. However just as beach reappear when sand are washed back, going away are not permanent for some people.

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