A Deeper Look into the Inspiration for this Blog – A Tiny, White Butterfly



White butterflies are common, abundant, seen, and found anywhere and everywhere. In comparison with the colorful, brilliant ones with amazing, intricate designs, they are quite ordinary.

This perception of ordinariness shifted five years ago, on December 13, 2015. A common little white butterfly had become significant in my life. I chanced upon this insect in a garden as I walked towards the chapel for Sunday Mass. Throughout the celebration, this butterfly’s image lingered in my mind. I realized that this encounter was not coincidental.

God had called my attention to the butterfly as a symbol of purity and humility. He seemed to be showing me the need to live and abide by these two virtues if I were to continue to follow him. Yet all I saw at that time was the butterfly’s simple color and size. I even felt offended. There were more colorful, beautiful butterflies in the garden he could have chosen!

God knew me very well. He knew what I needed to do to live my life in him to the max! He has seen my stubbornness, self-centeredness, and how I could be selfish, lazy, and proud.

God put me in my place by directing me to a simple creature, a dot in the universe. He revealed his sovereignty over me and all creation. He reminded me that without him, I am nothing and cannot do anything pleasing to him. He made me understand what mattered most to him and the plans he had for me.

On that day, I received an invitation.  God ordained how I would live the rest of my life, with a meaning and purpose for which he created me.

My response? It took me some time. I started the White Butterfly blog the year after, and only then did things begin to develop.

For four years, I have been trying to adopt a humble posture. This means erasing and changing a host of unhelpful attitudes I have towards others.

The matter of purity (of heart or intention) has been more challenging. Being honest and truthful to God in every way I realized includes not only my flaws and weaknesses but also my motives and intentions. Thank God he allowed me to discover these two straightforward steps to make up.  I ask his forgiveness whenever I fall or fail. And I make sure I express my deep gratitude for being forgiven and for welcoming me back.

I learned to believe, hope, and love God by willing to cooperate with his daily, loving plan for me.  This cooperative stance has worked well. Whenever I decide to obey him and move under his direction, it becomes natural and less burdensome.

The image of a butterfly, tiny and white, is God’s gift to me. He gave me both a weapon and an antidote for setbacks in my spiritual journey. He sees in me the potential of becoming the person he wants me to be – a woman in his own image and likeness.      `


  1. Thank you Tita. I love butterflies as they remind me that we are all called to be free and light like them. But for this to happen we must be purged of our weaknesses in the same way caterpillars do when they wrestle with their cocoons. Thank you for this beautiful imagery.

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