Life’s Seasons


Joenono Tale


The ongoing pandemic has given many some time for introspection, and with it, an occasion to ponder basic questions – what does the future hold, what is my purpose, what is it that God wants me to do in my life? Those who are unable to find answers might be led to hopelessness and even depression. 

Thus, this is also a time to reach out to one another, listen to each other’s stories, and be sensitive, as most everyone is going through some challenge or difficulty. 

The best antidote remains to spend time in prayer or in quiet time to meditate. The answers often come in God’s gentle whispers, many from the Bible’s verses, and we need to catch the moment when the answers become manifest to us. 

It helps if we encounter an event or an article in our readings that can provide a spark that will ignite an insight. An inspiration can of course also come from a song. 

One such song, an old favorite, is “Fill the World with Love.” For those who remember, it is the soundtrack of a 1969 movie – “Goodbye, Mr. Chips.” For those not familiar, look the movie up. It is worth watching. The song is a beautiful and meaningful song written by Leslie Bricusse, and yes, we sang it, too, in The Ambivalent Crowd. One can readily see the reference to different seasons of life – being young, midlife, and finally reaching senior years. 

Each life stage has its own reason for being, with its own joys and sorrows, and it is wonderful. During our youth, and even extending to midlife, the options for life’s purpose can be plentiful, and the future can hold promising directions to pursue. However, in one’s senior years, these options narrow down given the reality of health concerns or diminished energy. A sense of achievement coming from a life well lived can even lead to a “been there, done that attitude” that diminishes any drive to do something more. Thus, it is understandable that one in such a situation and presented with more options to pursue may ask “what for,” as it seems there is nothing more to prove.

This is where a special challenge lies, and many will need support and guidance to see that there is still a future, and it is one filled with hope. Fortunate are those who find the motivation to remain active or find a new direction in life to pursue. As Nietzsche, quoted in Victor Frankel’s book “The Search for Meaning,” say: “He who has a ‘why’ to live for, can bear with almost any ‘how.’ ” 

The song Fill the World with Love suggests a simple “why,” especially for those looking for a renewed life purpose, whatever stage in life one is. It is contained in the powerful phrase “fill the world with love my whole life through.” 

Regardless of one’s profession or work background, filling the world with love is open to everyone and is not as complicated as it sounds. It is actually doable by just anybody, as there are myriad ways to do this. It can be a simple gesture of a smile that brightens up someone’s day, or serving the family in various roles, or volunteering to assist in times of calamity, or because of the ongoing pandemic, reaching out to help those who have lost jobs or otherwise in need of food and other necessities. The ways are actually endless. As one focuses on helping others and not their own self, one will find real meaning in life whatever the season is, which overcomes sadness and hopelessness. 

So, whether we are in our sunrise, or noontime, or even in the sunset of our lives, there is something we can do to help somebody in need. We can all be brave and strong and true, where ever we are, and catch and join the journey of filling the world with love our whole life through.

Come to think of it, filling the world with love is one sure way to live life to the full as the Lord Jesus wants us to have. “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.” John 10:10.

Fill the World with Love


In the morning of my life 
I shall look to the sunrise
At the moment in my life 
When the world is new
And the blessing I shall ask
Is that God will grant me
To be brave, and strong, and true
And to fill the world with love 
My whole life through.

In the noontime of my life 
I shall look to the sunshine
At the moment in my life 
When the sky is blue
And the blessing I will ask
Shall remain unchanging
To be brave, and strong, and true
And to fill the world with love 
My whole life through

In the evening of my life
I shall look to the sunset
At the moment in my life 
When the night is due
And the question I shall ask
Only God can answer
Was I brave, and strong, and true?
Did I fill the world with love 
My whole life through? 
(Ending chorus)