Creation Spirituality



2020 may not have really been a good year, but it was when I spent more time with myself – doing a lot of introspection and trying to understand the Lord’s message on days when things seemed surreal, scary, and uncertain.

I did ponder a lot, tried to do things I have been so curious about, and challenged myself to rediscover things.  I would wake up with the sound of the birds.  How amazing that all these rare breeds of birds just suddenly appeared!  There were more butterflies in the garden, the skies have become bluer, fresher, and clearer, and I began to see how beautiful they are.  I began to notice my plants, too. Some have begun to wither, though, and I realized that I was not taking care of them.  I felt guilty.  

How can I actually not realize this beautiful creation of God?  The lecture of Fr. Ruben M. Tanseco, S.J. suddenly came alive in my mind, his beautiful words on Creation Spirituality—the awe, wonder, and reverence. “Wherever life is, there is God, for God is the source of all life – plant life, animal life, the stars, the moon, the skies, rain, and sunshine and all.

And the crowning point of creation is the human person.  In its total context, spirituality is a growing and felt experience with God as well as our unity and interconnectedness with all of creation.”

The pandemic made me pause with great affection for how much God has given me. As His child, I will continue to serve Him by helping the world that has struggled this past year. God dwells in all His creation, giving them life; He works and labors in all creatures for our sake.  I am grateful for the blessings of creation, redemption, and gifts I have received from Him:  my family, friends, and people around me, my talents, the blue skies, the fresh air, the warm sunshine, the butterflies, and the glorious plants I managed to revive.

For 2021, I will remain hopeful to serve and find God more in every person and all His creation.


  1. What a beautiful reflection! What comforted me whenever I felt fear or uncertainty was how plants continue to grow and birds continue to sing each day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful paintings Nancy!

  2. It’s nice to remember Fr. Tanseco’s wisdom on Creation Spirituality especially during this time. The avenue of connections with God is endless because life is all around us. Thank you for the reminder😊

  3. Truly from the heart Nancy. You’ve put into words and your artistic creations so beautifully integrated. We have become closer to our Creator, to our Lord, to the Holy Spirit making sense of it all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and art with all of us!

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the other & more beautiful side of the pandemic. Indeed, our God is a loving & wonderful Creator!
    You were in my mind coz I used the beautiful bag I bought from you last Sunday.

  5. Yes…have also recently noticed a weed in our garden with a beautiful flower and remembered one of Fr. Ruben’s stories. Could it have been the same kind of weed that caught his attention and also made him marvel at God’s creation? How wonderful that we can share heartwarming memories of this kind man. Thanks Nancy! 🥰🙏

  6. Uplifting reflections, Nans, coming from a soul immersed in love for her Creator.
    You have blessed us by sharing your inmost being.
    You inspire us to pause and reflect as well.
    A heartfelt thank you❤️
    Nans, I’ve always been a fan of your art works. So tender. So calm. Soothing. Sometimes vibrant, sometimes subdued. But always alive with colors.
    Truly a gift not everyone can claim to have (me included 😭).
    I wish you another year of an outpouring of God’s blessings. And I pray we can get together with Belen and Christine soon and bond all day like we used to😀
    Take care and be safe.

  7. Beautifully said, Nans!
    There is always a positive side to every situation. God has a purpose for everything that happens to the world and to us in particular. We always have to see the brighter side though how difficult it may seem.
    As you said in your reflection, with this pandemic, we have learned to appreciate our surroundings, nature and the people we are with. We have more time now to communicate with each other no matter the distance.
    We can only hope and pray that all these will come to an end.
    Let us stay happy, patient and hopeful that we will face better times in the days ahead.
    Your awesome paintings show the positivity in you. Keep painting and sharing your God-given talents.
    Love you, Nans and HOGs!

  8. A good way to look back in the year that helped you rediscover and be mindful of God’s creation. Seldom do we appreciate the things around us and even take them for granted.
    2021 is a year of HOPE,Nance! Despite the afflictions that we experience, we know that there’s always a rainbow of promises in the end. 😊

  9. Thank you for sharing your reflection Nancy. I can almost see your beautiful smile while you were writing this. I find you to be a person who is so alive and full of life, in all aspects (in your art, the way you speak, dress up, put on make-up, participate in discussions, reach out tp those in need, etc.). I see in you St. Irenaeus’ words, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” Yes, 2020 had been difficult and challenging. But, it gave us the 20/20 vision to see what is true, beautiful and valuable. And for that, I am grateful to the Great Creator.

  10. Beautiful reflection dear Nancy. By painting God’s wonderful works of nature you have become His partner in His work of creation. May He continue to inspire you as you inspire others. 💕

  11. Thank you Nancy for reminding us of God’s greatness through your beautiful works of art. May you continue to share your talents as you serve God and help others to see and feel God in all of His creations.

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