Running After the Clouds




One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.’

Bad choices and dire consequences have taught me one valuable lesson: To wait upon the Lord. His perfect timing is everything. This is not a passive statement, far from it. This became the catalyst for my inspired creation of clouds, clouds of all kinds, clouds in all shapes and sizes.

Day after day of this pandemic season, I stare at His clouds while running. Clouds that are ephemeral, enigmatic, and enchanting. I have never been so captivated by clouds this way.

This became my prayer time wherein I wrestled with Him for the day’s challenges. Oh, how He would give so lavishly if only I would ask. And how merciful He always is to grant me His anointing.

It is ambitious to covet His anointing. But I do! I want it badly.

How the blank paper suddenly comes to life! The inspiration is just purely divine!

I want every person to experience this sublime state where there is nothing you can do but worship the Supreme Being who created this billowy and sensuous display of heaven!

That He will choose me to pick up a brush and let someone experience it is enough for me. I dare not have my body of work delve into any other themes except the uttermost attributes of His creativity. Water, Clouds, Land. Three entities that make up the earth….and three Hallelujahs to the Maker!


  1. Blessed are you indeed, Pinky because God chose to express His mind and heart through your hands.


  2. Hello, Pinky – Every stroke of your brush bears God’s anointing, for you have done it in humble surrender to His glory, not ambitious coveting. And in being captivated by your artistry, I thank Him yet again for His dazzling creation, and for wonderful messengers of it such as yourself!

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