My “Camino” Experience


“dos hermanos: peregrinos”


My trip took a year to prepare. I walked the last 120 kilometers (called the French Way) of the 760 kilometers of the Camino de Santiago.

The walk is an attraction to people for many reasons. There is a spiritual character imprinted on the Camino. Primary to others is the physical fitness benefits as well as the cultural aspects. Also, one’s convictions and motivations come into play.

My High School classmates and I had embarked on the trip for bonding. But upon our arrival in Madrid, I quickly realized that it was time for some self-assessment.   As we approached Day 1, I wondered with some apprehension if I could finish the 100 km walk in six days. Or if I would survive any muscle pains or blisters, my body may have had to endure.

Then the Camino began. I had the energy, excitement, and curiosity about how my first day would unfold. I felt motivated by the freshness of the air and the fantastic beauty of the trail. But came the challenges. There were difficult uphill and downhill portions plus the monotonous boring-as-a-plain areas. Rains and too much sun came. As I walked through it all, though, spending moments alone, I began to feel connected to God’s creation. I remembered my paintings of trees and forests, and they seemed to have come to life, with me walking within them.

I felt this inward freedom and an affirmation of what was meaningful for me. Halfway into the week, I began to discard unnecessary items from my backpack. I carried only what I deemed essential. The walk became easier and felt lighter. Life seems to be like Camino. Through the daily ups and downs, one needs to focus on one’s purpose in life. And with a strong sense of faith and perseverance, the right attitude will flow from within me.     

 Buen Camino!


NOTE:  Nancy and two more of her paintings are featured earlier.  See her article on January 6, 2018.


  1. I could sense your excitement at the start of your Camino walk and could almost feel the pain and challenges you faced as you trecked the 100km Camino trail.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful message of faith, lightness in living and seeking greater purpose.

    God bless you Nancy!

    • Thanks Din for your nice words ! I hope you will do the Camino walk , soon ! I miss you , my friend !

  2. Truly a magnificent experience of a full life – contemplating on a career path or marriage – going through a boring emptiness, climbing challenges and sliding downhill of failures, stumbling through rubles and feeling the pains of rising up, finally finishing the spiritual journey – so much akin to our privileged time here on earth on the way to the final destination into the waiting arms of Our Father.

  3. One of the nicest, well written personal accounts on the Camino. One gets the sense of how fulfilling the whole experience was for Nancy and this fulfillment is shared quite well with the reader. Thanks Nancy for sharing.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts; very heartwarming words. Am glad that am able to connect with the readers – with you, K Pet !

  4. This is truly inspiring Nancy.
    How wonderful to read your insights and thanks for allowing me to vicariously experience your meaningful Camino walk . Indeed focusing on what is truly important will certainly lighten our walk in life❤️

    • Thanks Tepton! Hope you will soon do the Camino walk with your hubby and family. Am sure you will have also a great experience to share .

  5. Thanks for this beautiful insight. Rain or shine, with prayers and perseverance, you finished the Camino, refreshed with a smile. As you continue to walk forward in life, may you always find the beauty in the journey, with God’s choicest grace and blessing.

    Happy trails to you, until our next walk together!

    • Thanks Soki ! You are right – my Camino walk has not ended … I continue to walk forward in life , this time perhaps , with lightness in my heart ❤️

  6. thanks so much for sharing this nancy! like you kinda let us go on the trail with you for a while ?. yr writing also reminded me to keep focus on our life purpose, and to try to let go of what makes our bags heavy.

    i love your painting! the colors, the clarity of the path. so vibrant!

  7. Hi Mag. thank you for taking time to write. Am glad you were able to walk the trail too through my sharing. See you around, Mag.

  8. Nanz …. ? A most beautiful and profound rendition of your life’s journey. Viewing and
    appreciating your Camino masterpiece makes one feel that spiritual depth that truly manifests
    your God given artistic skill.
    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience. Hope to see you soon ??

    • Hi Joy ! Thank you for your beautiful words and for taking time to visit this site – God’s blog . Hope to see you soon !

  9. Congrats, Nancy, on your Camino experience! The sharing of your discernment that we must unload the unnecessary and distracting items in our lif’e’s journey is a pearl of an aha! Discovery!

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Dear Nancy; I am Rosmel’s cousin, Tina Sacramento Lowden. My husband (Jerry) & I love your artwork. She suggested your artwork last year for a different mask. My favorite is mana po… it lifts me up and makes me smile every time I wear it. We are hoping to purchase some original art from you. Can we? How can we? You have a wonderful gift – love sharing your gift with others. All the best. Tina

  11. Thanks for sharing your experience Nancy!
    My husband Gerry and I were scheduled to take the same shorter version in May , 2020 but then COVID 19 came into the picture. Just like you, we also prepared for the trip with another couple, my College classmates. Although, we don’t know when we can actually go with every thing so uncertain, but with your sharing , I am again inspired to look forward to it in God’s time.

    • Hi Bing, in God’s time! and yes, it’s truly a very meaningful experience. I plan to do it again, another route maybe. Good luck and keep safe!

  12. Hola Nance. Jun and I were immensely blessed with our Camino experience 2 years ago. A preparation for this pandemic. We go hand in hand with your life changing moments all the way to our endpoint— St James! Praying for the next pilgrimage to happen. 🙏🚶🏻‍♀️🚶 BUEN CAMINO!

  13. Without a doubt, your Camino reflections inspired you to become a better person as you felt the magic of the Camino on your own life; the type of life experience where you walked and left a piece of your soul. You were so blessed to have experienced the Camino de Santiago walk. Hoping That I will also be as fortunate to be blessed with that experience too. In God’s time !

  14. Preparing for my own Camino, I derive great inspiration, encouragement, and energy from your testimony to the blessings of your pilgrimage. Love and light, Nancy❣️

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