An Angel Among Us



Her Christmas 2020’s card message read:
‘So many blessings under the bridge of friendship years, continue to flow from Jesus’ presence unto the hopeful future!’
Signed with ‘Much love’!

Our friendship with Sr. Hazel Suarez, RC turns golden next year, as she counts her 60th as a Religious of the Cenacle.

In all our 44 years of marriage, my wife, Gigi, and I tagged alongside Sister, who soon became, beyond our personal friend, marriage, family mentor, and spiritual guide.
We first encountered Sr. Hazel in our years at Sacred Heart parish. Gigi and I were active youth leaders. Sister, meanwhile, interacted with all religious and social action groups, giving spiritual formation, retreats, and training.
Five years hence, when we tied the knot in the same parish, Sr. Hazel spoke in a shared homily at our ceremony, saying, ‘Marriage is a DECISION you make every day!’
Daily decision-making is akin to Hazel and her sisterhood. It is the secret of her commitment, fresh and profound, her response to the challenges that life brings her way. To Sr. Hazel, ‘amidst doubts, and conflicts within and outside, the decision to choose Jesus as a way of life, comes at whatever cost because this is a gift I can only receive from God. I cannot produce on my own’. Sister says.
‘The significant highlight, Sr. Hazel continues, ‘is realizing that community life is a cross that I must take up daily, as the road to freedom in Jesus. I did not choose the sisters with whom I would live. Neither did they choose me. It was Jesus, Who chose each one of us to live together in community.  This made much sense to me.’
It is in the same breath that Sister has encouraged Gigi and myself in our marital union. ‘Open each day, consciously deciding to love each other, no matter what; and this will sustain your years.’
A decade ago, our eldest son got married. In her wisdom-filled comment,
Sr. Hazel captured the fullness of our hearts when smilingly she tells Gigi and me, ‘It is the happiness of parents to marry off their children. Because the child you loved first now commits himself to love another, furthering that love in the family! By that, you have succeeded.’
In God’s grace, our union has survived, even thrived. From two, God gave us three children, who all decided for marriage and family, giving us the next generation of 8. We are today, a total of 16 in the family. Blessing us, God has truly enlarged our territory!
Today, Sr. Hazel remains to be an essential inspiration to us. We pass for her to lunch-out with a small group of friends monthly, and during the car ride, Gigi and I relish every bit of wisdom that Sister opines. Whether she is commenting on the goings-on around the world, citing a book that she recommends us to read, or simply listening to our update, Sister’s presence spells value, so heart and spirit-filling, we arrive at our lunch destination, ready for dessert!


  1. So blessed to have an angel by your side…just simply knowing that someone is with you in this journey, makes the adventure more exciting!

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