Why I Like Warren Buffet


This is the sixth (6th) of the ELECTION SERIES – articles published by White Butterfly in anticipation of the forthcoming elections in May 2022.


Warren Buffet, one of the richest people in the world, once advised others to look for three (3) things in a person — intelligence, energy, and integrity.

Having natural INTELLIGENCE or intelligence born of study is very important. Most especially in a leader. Finding solutions to many and various problems require much intelligent thought. Mere bravado wouldn’t do.

ENERGY is also a must. The person must have the stamina to work long hours and sacrifice much sleep if needed to get things done. If a person easily gets tired or can’t keep up with the work, then the workload piles up and up. Sometimes — which can make things worse — a person delegates to an inept subordinate who is also lazy.

The most important among the three (3) qualities is INTEGRITY.

If a person has integrity, he/she will not be tempted easily by fame or fortune. An offer of a juicy position or millions of money just by doing ‘a little wrong’ will be out of the question for an honest person.

If you find the person has no integrity, reject immediately. No level of intelligence or amount of energy can ever replace dishonesty or lack of integrity.


Qualities that make people truly effective and reliable. The same qualities needed in leaders — to have the right head, spirit, and heart.

How I wish we always have the fundamental three (3) qualities in our leaders. Especially in our government.

Maybe then, God would smile at us more often. And we would smile more often, too.

Something Warren Buffet once said which I’ll never forget. He said he was out to prove to the world that you can become wealthy even if you always do good.

I like Warren Buffet.


We implore you, Lord Jesus, to give our Filipino nation a chance to rise up from our misery and suffering and to cope with the pandemic crisis.  Give us, through the coming election, a leader who will take care not of one’s self but of the poor and the needy, one who is God-fearing, who cannot be undermined by greedy, corrupt, and hypocritical politicians. 

Save our nation, which is thirsty for your love and justice.  Through the help of Mother Mary, our mother, and yours.  Amen.


  1. 11/24/21 Dear Conrad, I would like to prove to you that there is one presidential candidate that has all three qualities – INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, and INTEGRITY qualities needed in leaders — to have the right head, spirit, and heart. Because of the restrictions in this forum, I can not tell you the name of this one presidential candidate but I can tell you privately if you wish; my email address is gmarianojr@yahoo.com. Thank you.

  2. I cannot agree more! INTEGRITY is central. It is how our God made us – ‘in His image and likeness’! How we consciously care for and protect that natural identity, or wrecklessly shame or soil it, is ours!

    Consistent with this, REAL PROSPERITY IS IN DOING GOOD!

    Thanks for reminding us, Conrad!

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