A Personal King




John 18: 36, 37

Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants [would] be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.

Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

Today, Sunday, November 21, is the feast of Christ the King for Catholics. I have always, for many years, taken this feast for granted.  I never had given it any thought or more so to even reflect on the feast.

But this time, it was different.  The gospel passage prompted me to write about the reality of Christ the King as my King – my personal King!

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Yet, I can claim to have a personal relationship with this King and Lord… just as I have a relationship with my husband, children, siblings, family, and friends! 

How different is this Jesus among all the kings in this world. What an honor and privilege to have that enduring, personal connection with him who is King! I can approach him. He is always available. He is with me when I am awake or even when I am sleeping. What blessing and grace to communicate with him anytime, anywhere.  He who loves me unconditionally, welcomes me, eager to hear and listen to my prayers, while at the same time giving me full confidence that I have his entire attention!

What more do I need? What else do I seek?

I hope and pray that the reality of Christ as my personal King which came to me as a surprise today will give me the humility of a child to listen to him more intently and the courage to obey and follow him more closely.  I pray that my every desire, passion, thought, and action will be in tune with his will and plan for me in my daily life.




  1. Thank you for your reflections. As I was reading it, I was having my own realizations on what an immense privilege it is to be in the company of the royalty! When we allow God to rule and reign in our hearts and minds, we enter the holy courts of the nobility. Wow, what an honor this really is!

  2. Beautiful realization that should continue to govern our heart and soul today and everyday of our life. I Thank you Celia

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