An Abundance of Penetrating Energy Amidst the Pandemic



Yesterday, I felt weak, tired, and in pain throughout my body’s right side due to aging. I know I need to do the Egoscue exercises to strengthen my muscles and correct muscle imbalance, but I got lazy since the pandemic’s beginning. I admit it became a vicious cycle because of my own doing.

But this morning, despite the few hours of sleep due to watching an irresistible Korean drama, I woke up full of energy. I wondered why. But I recognize this kind of energy that makes me want to live my life to its fullness— a power that makes me want to concentrate just for the day such as TODAY.

When I reflected on this energy, I realized that it is more of divine energy which is actually God’s power and none other than his love!  His love is the energy – the driving force – to use my day well with meaning and purpose. It is this life-giving kind of existence – ready to extend myself to my family as well as to others who may need love, encouragement, and support!

Throughout almost the last two (2) years of the pandemic, I have not only experienced this “Divine Energy cum Love,” but I also witnessed this in my family, friends, and others whom I do not know personally but whose stories I have read.

God has used the internet to reveal his abiding and powerful presence on those who believe, trust, and love him!  it was as though God had used an explosion of energy through my Viber groups, Zoom meetings, various spiritual websites, and other forms of media.  He made me notice and recognize his divine imprint among his people. An example is how his faithful followers overcome all odds when faced with tragic circumstances such as loss of employment, source of livelihood, illness, or death. Small and big miracles manifested left and right.

Join me in praising and thanking the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness, his abundant and overflowing energy, and his divine mercy and love for us!


  1. Thanks Celia for sharing such an inspiring revelation! Many of us need this kind of inspiration to keep us moving despite this pandemic.

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