Seeing Things More Clearly



Perhaps we can use the White Butterfly website and the White Butterfly Viber group to share our feelings about the election and, in the process, be ‘healed.’ 🙏

Here is my sharing.

I want to share something about the campaign. I was very naive to think that most people think and believe the way we do. Like I had this thinking: how can anyone vote otherwise. I mean, the guy had no education, no experience, no character. But I was all wrong. I was just in the minority, it seems. I forgot that some businessmen would vote for Junior for what he can do to their business. They also cannot bribe Leni, so that business will be affected. The way of life is that I pay you, and you give it back in more business to me. 

They do not care about the candidate. What they only care about is their ‘SELF’ and their Pockets. That’s all. No care about the ordinary citizen hungry for food. They sanitize this in their conscience by charitable contributions – setting up Foundations to help the poor and scholarships. But that’s all on the surface. They will do anything, drop their values, to gain more wealth and power. They will drink and dance all three days in Solaire, but their main concern is bottom-line money. No heart-to-heart connection with the people who continue to suffer.

While my heart continues to bleed, I am reminded of Rev. 1:17-18, what John said when he saw Jesus: “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, 18 and the living one. I died, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.” To the Jews, the right-hand means Power, and Authority. Jesus says I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. I am alive forevermore and I have the power over death and hell.

I have to believe in my heart that Jesus has the power over all things and all people. He is alive. I need to prostrate myself, like John, at his feet. He is my all, and I belong to him. I ask for his blessing by putting His right hand on me. Pick me up, Lord. I need your strength, power, and heart to live each day. You are my Alpha and my Omega. You are my First and Last 💕 Love. 

God bless our nation.

VIC has two Facebook pages namely, LET’S HAVE COFFEE WITH JESUS and MY STORY & JOURNEY. 


  1. Amen..We continue to “ be picked up and hold hands with the Lord” and Trust that He will “ weave good out of our “ desolation”.
    Indeed, a blessing to see things more clearly 🙏Thanks, Vic👍

  2. Amen..We continue to “ be picked up and hold hands with the Lord” and Trust that He will “ weave good out of our “ desolation”.
    Indeed, a blessing to see things more clearly, and “ make all things new once again” 🙏Thanks, Vic🌸

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