When All Else Fail…My Daily Choice



Since the start of the global pandemic, the relentless tragedies accompanying it, and the overall feeling of uncertainty for a world that is now constantly in flux and turmoil, I have tried to continue waking up each morning with this conscious effort and choice to believe that God is still in complete control no matter what happens.

It has not been easy for many of us. The Road to Emmaus is paved with obstacles and seemingly insurmountable challenges. Illness and the death of my relatives and friends over the past few years have reminded me of my vulnerability, that nothing is permanent and change is inevitable.

The value of the present moment

My attitude for some time now has been not to look back on my past unless it is for a valid reason, such as making my present life better. I try to focus and practice living in the present moment. I had adopted what I often heard my mother say when I was a child: “0k, let’s go ahead and do this tomorrow or next week, God willing. Even if I could not fully appreciate it then, it was clear to me that it was an act of surrender to God on her part.

Learning to surrender to God’s will has borne fruit as an adult. The Lord has shown me how my burdens serve as means to bring me closer to him to achieve his plan and purpose for me. Putting my faith and trust in him has given me peace, joy, and confidence despite the crises in my past. I clung to him for courage when there was nothing positive in sight or disappeared or when my doubts and fears overtook me. In the process, I discovered this awesome, all-knowing God – his powerful and encompassing perspective far beyond my limited imagination, reach, and smallness. I am so humbled.

St. Paul wrote in Acts 27: 20, 25:

Neither the sun nor the stars were visible for many days, and no small storm raged. Finally, all hope of our surviving was taken away.”

“Therefore, keep up your courage, men; I trust in God that it will turn out as I have been told.”

God, indeed, is faithful, and I can depend on him. He is full of surprises! I see him as my God of Truth, my Way, my Living Water, Rock, Fortress, Shield, Refuge, Strength, and Mercy. And that’s just for starters.

Mark 10:27:  Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.”

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a choice, the free will to accept or reject you in my life. Thank you for the gift of grace to believe and trust in you. Thank you for my wings of faith and your loving embrace, enabling me to soar like an eagle towards you – my light amidst darkness!

Isaiah 40: 31
:  They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.

And finally, thank you for making me aware of your company each day and learning to understand the REALITY of your presence and its transforming effect on me at all times, in all situations, and under all circumstances! 


  1. Wow. Am relishing and treasuring your reflection: “The Lord has shown me how my burdens serve as a means to achieve His plans and purpose for me.” Yes! So well said. Thank you!!!

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