Behind the Art of Jesus Stories




It began with the Good Samaritan story and an insight I got after reading it for the nth time. The Lord allows a new understanding to surface each time I read a story. Every single time.

Anyway, in this particular prayer time, the new insight I got was that this wealthy Samaritan did a lot to help this wounded stranger.

To him, he wasn’t another Samaritan. He wasn’t even an Israelite. He just saw a poor man mugged, wounded, and left for dead.

The rich man got off his horse and got out wine and vinegar to clean the stranger’s wounds. This probably took a while. After applying first aid, he probably wrapped some cloth around the weak stranger, making him a bit more decent. Then the Samaritan lifted the heavy guy and seated him on his horse. This probably also took a long while.

After keeping what was left of his wine and vinegar, he brought the stranger to an inn so he could be given care, making sure that the wounded and weak man did not fall off the animal along the way. Now, I don’t know how far the inn was.

The point was that this rich man had the compassion to help this total stranger. Now, how do I capture that particular insight in just one still picture, sans audio and multiple motions? How do I put all that drama in one single, impactful picture? Well, that was the challenge. Luckily I had help from the old masters’ works that I studied.


After finishing the artwork, something pushed me to begin a series of drawings visualizing the stories of Jesus.

After the Good Samaritan, there was the familiar Prodigal Son. This time the insight was the contrast between the father and the young son. The richness of the father versus the poverty of the son. Unconditional love versus shameful repentance. The welcoming arms of the elevated father versus the hesitancy of the son’s sunken state.

After that, I worked on the Lily story whose very beauty is our cure for needless anxiety. Then I did the Sower and the indiscriminate sowing of goodness.

Lately, I did the Pigs & Pearls story which was based on the insight of uncleaned feral animals in contrast with the priceless beauty of pearls. I used contrasting colors and a sense of elevation for the visual to further the story.

I don’t know what Jesus story the Spirit will next lead me to, but I am quite sure a new insight will trigger my drawing hands anew.





  1. How you capture scenes from Jesus’ life with searing imagination and luminous expression, then invite your reader to a deeper engagement still, with the stroke of your brush, all at once potent and gentle.

    Thank you, Conrad.

  2. Your artwork is beautiful in its simplicity, Conrad. And the images draw one to reflection. You are right. I thought of all the trouble and the risks the Good Samaritan took. I also wondered about the innkeeper and the responsibility given to him by the Good Samaritan. This time, I imagined two men doing acts of kindness. Thank you, Conrad.

    • Much thanks. I go/do as the Spirit leads.
      Yes the innkeeper could have been a good man, too. Of course, he got paid.
      Am blessed with His proddings.

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