The Continuance of Legacy



The quiet in the car, going home from Christmas eve mass, joyfully broke when seven-year-old Aria, our granddaughter, thoughtfully greeted, ‘Merry Christmas to all in this car!’ To which, our grandson Andres (not allowing himself to be outwitted) quickly followed up, saying, ‘Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating!’ Christmas was suddenly palpable as I overwhelmingly felt the nearness of God.

Children have the God sense so naturally etched within them one cannot fail to be in wonder. My wife and I are blessed with eight grandchildren, all doorways to unlocking this awe of God!

For over a month since our arrival to celebrate the holidays with family, my wife and I have been ‘angel-guarding’ our grandchildren. Deeply sensing the Spirit’s strong encouragement that we speak to them of our understanding of God and how He works in our lives, we are enriched, having found a significant vocation of the old to their young, a passing generation to one upcoming.

This newfound mission has stirred up everyday excitement as we wake up and pray that God uses us in the most natural settings to fascinate the kids with His presence.

Aria, for example, loves to write and share her creative imaginings. Once, we had a long chat about my White Butterfly involvement and Spirit-led writings, which she capped with a question. ‘May I join White Butterfly?’ she asked. I told her that I was going to discuss the matter with Lola Celia, but she insisted that I advise her immediately of her response.

On writing an article for WB submission on Caelan, her two-year-old youngest cousin, who invites her to wonder, Aria asks, ‘Papu, how long has Caelan been in God’s plan?’ Startled but quickly recalling Caelan’s birth at covid time, I answer, ‘2,020 years!’

From a distance, sibling Andres follows up, asking, ‘Papu, you mean Caelan was already in Ninang Min’s tummy long before? An afternoon on the creation story then ensues.

Earlier this week, I asked our son, Paolo, their dad, to bring me to a religious bookstore. I was in search of a Bible diary for the new year. Aria, on entering the store and browsing through the selections, excitedly caĺls her brother, ‘Hey Andres! Come quickly; this place is all about God!’

Andres and I seem to have found agreement and connection about the call to turn ‘thumbs down’ cases to ‘thumbs up’ responses by finding the good in every situation. When the ‘thumbs up’ sign further turns to ‘hands flashing,’ the meaning intensifies into ‘good is prevailing’; and when the  hand flash turns to a ‘waving hand,’ the meaning further intensifies, indicating that ‘many are made happy’!


We share here seven important learnings from our interactions with our young family members:

First is to note the children’s presence and delight in it consciously.

Second is to heedfully listen to the children talk from their hearts with pureness and innocence.

Third is to focus on content and the direction the Spirit may lead the children to take.

Fourth is to gently encourage the children to a virtuous response to challenge-laden situations.

Fifth is to walk the talk to heart.

Sixth is to open self to the children’s stirrings.

Seventh is to consistently align ourselves with the Spirit through prayer.

Pope Francis exhorts the old and elderly to pass on the faith to the next generation. It is a legacy so apt for a people who have ‘seen and tasted’ God’s goodness and dwell in deep gratitude to bequeath to a generation primed to be blessed!

My house of 8 grandchildren….my workshop, my accountability!



  1. Lovely…an affirmation of God’s plan for every married couple. Thank you so much for the inspiration…

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