Cast the Net



I have always resonated with “casting the net” because it always reminds me how an abundance of faith coupled with gratitude and humility has shown me how it is to be closer to God.  So when I was scrolling through Instagram, a painting of a family in a banca (boat) holding on to each other and a net with a bounty of fish, caught my attention.  The family in the painting was a father and mother with their daughter and son.  I asked if I could commission a painting to be made with the same theme but with an additional girl as I had 2 daughters and a son.  And they did.

The net will not always be full.  In many instances, it will be almost empty.  But it is in the near-emptiness where we find that we are strongest, we are deepest, we are most genuine, and we are most faithful.  Being stripped bare cleanses even those we have kept hidden and rekindles the life that has gone astray.  And as we regain the abundance of the catch, we appreciate more how it is to treasure it because it could only have come from Him.  As we enter the Lenten season, let us remember Him who gave up the most because we lost our way.  #stickshiftreflections