An Unexpected Easter Sunday Message




It all started the morning at past 6 with an accident on my way to attend Easter Sunday Mass with my home companion, Mila. We had not yet gotten over the trauma of the sudden death of my daughter almost three months ago, and here we were, another jolting experience.

A motorcyclist behind me rammed into the right side of the car I was driving as I turned right and caused him to fall from his motorcycle.

Knowing God, I expect surprises from him occasionally, some delightful and others unnerving, such as this one. But then, later in my morning prayer and readings, He reminded me to thank him either way and that no matter what happens, I accept things as they come in faith, patience, trust, and confidence that He loves me and wants only the best for me.

I was lovingly awakened to the truth German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote.
In the Image of God
Genesis 1:27 “Man only knows who he is in the light of God.”
If God has made us in His own image and if He has made us to live in fellowship with Him and to the praise of His glory, then we cannot truly know ourselves or life’s purpose without living in the light of God’s Word and presence.
To live in the light of God’s ways is thus not a deflection from being truly human. Instead, it is fully realizing our “humanness” with its spiritual dimension.
God’s presence is not meant to dominate us, but to guide us. God’s presence is not meant to blind us, but to enlighten us, so that we can see truly and so live more faithfully.
Lord, grant that in my search for meaning and purpose I may constantly seek Your wisdom. Amen.

Indeed, God’s faithfulness turned this accident into a deeper revelation of who he is in my Easter life!


  1. 🐰🐣🐇 Yes Celia, nothing is ever an “accident” in this life. Everything happens for a purpose, whether it be a wake-up call ☎️, a nudge from Him, or simply a reminder. We must sensitize ourselves to His biddings as we move closer to a fuller life.
    Take care and have a Happy Easter week full of blessings and love. Stay grateful for the grace of other loving relationships and beautiful experiences.
    Thank you for your kindness.

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