Shining in the Rain



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… it’s learning to dance in the rain.”

Have you experienced this scenario – being stranded in the rain?

I could vividly remember this scene, a sudden outpour of rain when it was time to unwind and relax after a busy day. I felt discomfort because I  felt cold, wet, and shivery. I was inconvenienced as it delayed my plans to get home early to have dinner and spend quality time with my family. Maybe to some, it disrupted their rest of day activities. And frustrated with being unable to cross the street, get a ride home immediately, or be at a stand-still for several minutes…or even hours.

These were my immediate responses to feeling trapped, helpless, and hopeless. However, rains, typhoons, or floods are things I can’t control. Recalling this unpleasant situation, I am uncertain if I chose to respond positively to the unexpected downpour of rain.

With hindsight, how could I have enjoyed the moment of being stranded in the ample parking space of Ayala Avenue? How could I have enjoyed the rain?

It’s been raining continuously for the past weeks, and this experience of being confined in such a situation is likely to happen to many.



Our attitude toward challenges can significantly impact how we experience and overcome them. It’s shifting our mindset to see the rain positively and find solutions in difficult situations.

On this rainy day, we may open our minds and hearts to focus more on God’s creation, allowing us to connect to nature and be grateful. Listening to the sound of rain may be soothing or relaxing. Being sensitive to the raindrops’ beat and rhythm creates a happy mood. Then, slowly, we appreciate the coolness of the air as it touches our skin, providing mood or some perspective to pause, be in the present moment, and remain hopeful.







Rain is a metaphor to symbolize an invitation, challenge, or adversity we encounter in life. Most of the time, they come unexpectedly, not knowing when it will end. We feel stuck in the rain, but we can also dance as we use an umbrella!


  1. I like this painting “Stranded” which was in the Daniw 2023 calendar for the month of August.

    As Nancy pointed out, it is good to appreciate God’s creation. Everything that God allows to happen has a reason. It is always for the good. With this mindset, one develops a positive outlook and attitude. One always sees the positive side, the good of what happens. Nancy now appreciates the sound of raindrops, the coolness of the air and these leave with her a happy disposition.

    Thank you Nancy for the beautiful painting, the deep reflection and beautiful realizations.

  2. As expected, Nancy ‘s Shining in the Rain ,vibrantly describes the rain in the medium, Nancy excels in! Visual depiction at its core and bonus pa na she’s an effective writer too🙏👍👍👍👏👏👏

  3. Nancy! Your article sings of HOPE amidst the rains of life. I just sent it to a beleagueared brother clinging tightly to grace, as he cares for his wife whose lungs have collapsed. The Spirit wishes to extend comfort!

  4. Nancy, the message is so meaningful to me. Lots of rainy days but I am learning to enjoy being in the rain. Soon i will learn how to dance in th rain. Lets go! Join me!

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