I distinctly remember seeing the misshapen form of Taal volcano after its eruption and thinking to myself how easily things can change. We had just done a family hike in that very same volcano just weeks before, admiring its beauty, and here I was, looking at a pile of ash that didn’t even remotely resemble the view I had seen just weeks prior.
Little did I know then that it was a premonition of what would happen in my life. The year 2020 was going to be a year of shifting sands.
Early that year, the world locked down due to a pandemic and we were cut off from our relationships and usual activities. But it also gave me time to slow down the pace radically and “enjoy the flowers,” or so I thought. One banal morning, I was taking a bath and noticed something different with my left breast. I can’t explain why but I immediately thought, “It’s cancer,” and I bathed in tears, water flowing from the shower head and my eyes as I let my body absorb and prepare for the worst possible news. Everything that happened after felt like a Spartan race.

The next day, I sought consultation with Tita (aunt) Grace Pasigan, and her face was all the news I needed. I immediately got a mammogram, which confirmed my greatest fear – BiRad 4, a high likelihood of malignancy. Mom immediately contacted Tita Pilar Almira, who referred me to the best surgeon she knew – Dr. Sherry Lee, who conducted a biopsy to plan the best course of action.
A season of shifting sands. Those words came to me while I painstakingly waited for the biopsy results. But it was also a beginning of miracle upon miracle manifesting in my life. I had not told anyone yet of my possible diagnosis, but Luis Oquinena called me out of nowhere, sharing that they were planning a praisefest – on the very day my results would be released. He also shared the inspiration that had come to him, the story of the hemorrhaging woman, and I broke down like a dam had been released. He had no idea what I was going through, but God used him and the praisefest team to reassure me that I was already healed by faith.

That morning, I sang a song for the Praisefest and cried my heart out, and just like the story, I felt healing come over me. It wasn’t physical healing, but something more profound – God had healed me from fear. And since that day, I felt a calmness come over me and an overwhelming sense of peace that I had nothing to fear. That still, small voice I heard saying “shifting sands” now became a firm reassurance. It was now – “In this season of shifting sands, I am still your faithful God.”
Soon after the praisefest, I went to see my doctor, who confirmed that I had Stage 2B cancer. Unlike most cancer patients, Dr. Lee asked me why I didn’t cry in her office that day. How could I when the Lord of the Universe Himself had told me this was a battle He had already won. The only thing required was for me to persevere in faith.
I underwent a mastectomy and needed to wait (again) to receive the official results that would define my treatment protocol. I had one prayer, which was for it to be the shortest/least amount of chemotherapy so my body wouldn’t take a beating. On the day I received the results, we were driving out of our village to go to work, and the car in front of us had this big sign that said: “Is there anything impossible for me? – God.”
When the phone rang, I knew it – just six rounds of chemotherapy. Though the battle had just begun, the victory had already been won. And the rest, as they say, is just a story of amazing grace.
I have been a walking miracle for a little over two years, and I know that I am in remission on a mission to share God’s faithfulness and to remind all of us to live life to the fullest. Life can change in a split second, so let’s value what we have, make the most of this beautiful, blessed life, and try our best to make every encounter with others a reminder of God’s goodness. I have been so blessed to have the most amazing prayer warriors, a support group who have seen me through the best and worst of times, and I can only pray that I can be an instrument to bless all of you the way that you have so richly blessed my family and me.

There was a time when I would lose everything, but God gave me much more. In a season of shifting sands, he has revealed the greatest gift – the beauty of each new day. May we treasure it until the day He calls us home.
Issa! You convey deep praise and heartfelt gratitude in this testimony. God has healed you! FAITH TRULY SAVES!
Your story always inspires and strengthens my hope in the Lord Issa. Christ truly heals😇 I am glad you shared this here in white butterfly❤️
You live to tell and touch more.
Why did I just read this now? So glad you are able to share your journey to give strength and hope to others! 💗
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