‘Is God a man or a woman?’, 9-year-old Lexa, my granddaughter, asks me one afternoon as I open our confirmation session for their questions.
I had been having the high of my life, having these brief interactions with my four granddaughters: Nala, twins Anya & Lexa, and Aria, all due to be confirmed this June.
Other questions pop up: ‘How do you explain the Trinity, Papu?’ ‘What does ‘made in the image and likeness of God’ mean?’ my young girls confidently ask.
I feel privileged, as a grandfather, to catch such deep faith questions innocently dropping from their lips. I don’t have the correct answers; instead, I realize that God has blessed me with the patience and understanding of heart to respond to the purity of their minds adequately.
Confirmation in Australia is administered at nine years, compared to 13 years in the Philippines. Further, it comes with intensive preparation, complete with a Confirmation workbook and required parent orientation sessions in the parish, as it is a joint effort with the Catholic school.
My interactions allowed me to see how kids see Jesus and how they understand the faith. This is how for example, 11-year-old Nala tells the story of Jesus’s encounter with a leper in one of the Bible’s healing episodes. This was supposedly her favorite Bible story.
She begins by saying, ‘In Jesus’ time, lepers were hated because their leprosy sickness was contagious. Because of this, their families kicked them out of the house…’
From her workbook, I read 7-year-old Aria’s account of ‘Jesus Carrying the Cross.’ She says, ‘Once, Jesus was forced to carry the cross. But before he could carry the cross, he had to have thorns on his head…’
Amusing and funny, but true and accurate to the child!
In another exercise, the girls were made to draw their understanding of how the Holy Spirit works after a brief on His being a source of empowerment. This was how the 9-year-old twins took to task:
Lexa, the younger twin, writes:
‘The Holy Spirit helps me soar high! It follows me and guides me to where I need to be. Even if I don’t see it, I know it will always be there.’
The older twin, Anya, sees it from another angle. She draws a pinwheel and writes beside it: ‘I am the pinwheel and the Holy Spirit, the wind. It can move me to do great things!’
Straight and simple, a child’s mind embraces!
I am fascinated by the child’s profound take on faith, devoid of all the complexities the world’s teaching systems have clouded it with. No wonder the Lord enjoined children to come to Him freely! I enjoy the moments of their asking ‘to connect the dots’ in their uncomplicated minds.
I am reminded here of Pope Francis’ exhortation that grandparents like us ‘pray for the visit of an angel,’ through whom God sends us messages and affirms us of His presence as He has promised, ‘I will always be with you!’
HI Ernie, you are blessed to have this experience with your grandchildren. Your onw faith have rubbed off on them. Praise God.
Ernie, what a nice story! And all your little ones have their own views of Jesus and all of them interpreted so sincerely, from their hearts! Thanks to their grandpa Ernie for bringing them close to Jesus♥️ and making their faith stronger each day.
Thank you White Butterfly for creating space for stories such as these, they give us HOPE!
Congrats Ernie and Gie! Your being togerher as s family there in Australia is making life more meaningful as the grandchildren develops into mature beings. Keep it up! You are doing a good job!
I’m so proud of your family : Ernie & Gigi I’m so blessed for having nephews and niece with their respective children who are my grandchildren. I’m so proud that I’m
Part of this family and forever be loving the way they were raised to be loving & faithful to Gods promises in our life! Lets us praise God to be a believer and a doer! God lives in us! Thank you 🙏 I love you Jesus Christ! ❤️💯🙏🙏🙏
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