The Sorrowful Mysteries



In 2010, when my daughter Amanda was hospitalized yet again for her mental condition, I dreamed and later saw the Blessed Mother through my eyes closed, looking at her son Jesus being scourged with a message to me: “I know how you feel. I’ve been there.”

Today, almost six months after Amanda’s passing, while I prayed the rosary with Bishop Robert Barron on YouTube and meditated on the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Lord revealed something so intensely powerful to me.

Jesus’ earthly life was all in preparation for his Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension so that we could be saved.

And at that moment, I was in tears. Like a gentle breeze of awakening, the Spirit allowed me to see how Amanda’s love for him gave her the privilege of responding to his call with all its accompanying trials. In the Sorrowful Mysteries, I saw a reflection of Amanda’s agony, physical, mental, and psychological suffering, excruciating battles with the Enemy, and her God-sent deliverance in preparation for her death. She died on a Tuesday after we had prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries three times that day.

God is perfect. As I contemplate the best preparation for my final union with him, I only need to keep as close to him as I can every day in the present, responding continuously to his call, grace, and mercy.

The son of god suffered unto the death, not that men might not suffer, but that their sufferings might be like his.

(george macdonald)



  1. Wow, Celia, what a powerful message! Very many thanks!! Sending you love and peace from WV! lolita

  2. I was watching the other day this movie ‘Heaven is for Real’, the story of a four-year-old boy who during his surgery due to a ruptured appendicitis while on the threshold of death, visited heaven, saw Jesus, his great grand-father and his unborn sister who died from a miscarriage and many other heavenly experiences. Even in our own lives, perhaps this kind of movie brings affirmation to our basic beliefs even at times when we are tested so often as we live out our faith journey.

    It came to light also that in the great mysteries of the Holy Rosary, that same life journey from the Joyful to Sorrowful and moving on to the Glorious Mysteries affirms the same sequence of life as we follow Jesus in the Light of His love.

    And it came to pass, that through all the love between mother and daughter, through all the prayers within that love circle has lit the path of Amanda to heaven and she is now in the Glorious Light with Jesus, happy in the Lord’s loving embrace and is now feasting with the Lord at His table…Dear Amanda, watch over your dear family, your special Mom, and the rest of us as we remain on our own journey still! GOD’S BLESSINGS TO ALL!

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