Free To Be… You and Me



In the mid-’70s, American actress Marlo Thomas embarked on a project. With a group of writers, artists, poets, and musicians, they produced a TV musical and book entitled Free to be…You and Me. It challenged dropping the standard view of what children ought to be or should be. Instead, what the children could be was the proposed view implying respect for one’s own choice. Also, it advocated plenty of adventure, hope, and love, open to new possibilities for growth and change.

At 6, my grandson, Christian, wanted to become a scientist. Now almost 15, he is showing more interest in a career in finance. Whatever he decides to be and do, his parents encourage him to develop his talents and pursue his dreams. A Math wiz and a guitar player, Christian can balance his academic achievements and musical passion.

Author Letty Pogrebin wrote that ” there is something in it for the free spirit in every adult and the wise soul in every child.” In contrast, we sometimes call the precocious child “wise beyond his years,” an “old soul,” or maybe “six going on sixty….”, while the trusting, curious, or open to wonder adult is “childlike” or “young at heart.”

A child can imitate an adult who has lived through life’s joyful moments and challenging labyrinths. On the other hand, an adult who has gone through life’s lights and shadows can hopefully sustain the innocent heart that delights over a sunset, a beautiful flower, or tries to help a stranger in need.

Finally, wisdom born of experience and pureness of heart that each is born with is a worthwhile combination. To consider from going beyond “free to be me” to ” free to continuously become…” more of what I can be is the highest goal one can attain.

*Written with the assistance of Alice E. Gonzaga


    • As the Spirit leads, Ed! I am not really the author as I see it. I would love to hear your insights and your own story in this site one day.

    • Thank you, Paz. I look forward to your bringing in your own reflection on what being free means to you to this website!

  1. What you have so beautifully written has moved me to reflect. I had been so busy lately but there was this strong urge to visit your blog for the first time. I am so glad I did.? I just want to add on “free to continuously become…more of what I can be” the dimension of purpose. I was created for a purpose and my freedom consists of being the person God created me to be. It entails being detached from persons and things which will keep me from being in complete union with Him. Freedom means being able to choose God from moment to moment. For me this is impossible but with His grace it is possible. He knows the desires of my heart. He knows when I sit and when I stand. He knows my weaknesses and my strengths. He has given me the gift to choose life or death. I choose life. It is not easy for the tendency is to choose the easy way out anytime. That is why I cherish my time with Him. He continuously guides me to become the person I am meant to be.
    In a few days you will be celebrating your birthday. A happy, blessed and joyful birthday!!!?

    • Linda – I posted your reply under “Reflections” in this website. Thank you for sharing your own personal insights!

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