How St. Paul Shared the Gospel Truth in Wisdom and Love



We can learn something from Paul’s example of evangelizing non-Christians. In evangelizing, know your audience. Paul entered into the culture of the audience. He knew the Greeks were great in wisdom, so he approached it this way.

But first, he ‘praised’ them to engage and connect with them: “You Athenians, I see that in every respect you are very religious… He did not attack them but praised them first.

In Acts 17 to 18, Paul’s approach to evangelizing the Greeks in Athens provides a model that can be followed even today. Here’s a summary of his approach:

1. Observing and Understanding the Culture: Paul observed the religious practices of the Athenians and their city full of idols. This observation helped him understand the context in which he was preaching.

2. Engaging with the Community: He engaged in discussions in the synagogue with Jews, God-fearing Greeks, and the marketplace with whoever was there. Paul was consistent in declaring the Gospel.

3. Using Common Ground: Paul used an altar with the inscription “to an unknown god” as a starting point to introduce the Athenians to the God he was proclaiming.

4. Respecting Philosophical Traditions: He interacted with Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, respecting their traditions and challenging them with the message of Jesus and the resurrection.

5. Tailoring the Message: Our parish priest said that Paul tailored his message to his audience, using familiar references and ideas, such as quoting their poets.

6. Focusing on Key Principles: He focused on key Christian Principles such as God’s sovereignty, the call to repentance, and the assurance of judgment and resurrection.

7. Being Patient with Results: Some mocked him, while others were curious to hear more. A few became followers, including Dionysius, the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris.

8. Seek the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will give you the right words when the time comes. Luke 12:12 says that God will convert and transform people. We are His Ambassadors.

This model emphasizes cultural understanding, engagement with various groups, finding common ground, and patience with the varied responses to the message. It’s a holistic approach that respects the audience’s background while presenting the core message of Christianity. In the final analysis, it is God who converts the hearts of everyone.

Let us pray for the conversion of our hearts each day. Amen.

From various sources, including a homily (sermon) by a priest today.

This was taken with permission from Vic Lorenzo’s “LET’S HAVE COFFEE WITH JESUS.”


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