Discovering God’s Radical Generosity



I wish to start with four letters: AMDG. This sharing is ‘For the Greater Glory of God!’

It was in 2015 when God put my family and me to a great test.

I had a migraine attack that lasted for days. My peripheral vision was affected. My wife Patty worried as she knew it was difficult for me to drive without my peripheral vision. We decided to consult a neurologist to see if things were ok. So, without setting any appointment, Patty and I went to the hospital to consult a doctor.

The doctor performed some tests and ordered a Brain MRI. A few days later, before going to work, I returned to his clinic to get my results and hear his interpretation.

As I entered his clinic, I still recall the doctor’s serious and very formal look. He welcomed me, discussed the results, and asked if I understood his explanation.

I answered, ‘Not really. I need you to explain it in layman’s terms.’ To this, he went point-blank. He said, ‘You have a benign brain tumor.’ Shocked, I asked if I heard him right. So, he repeated, ‘Michael, I’m sorry you have a benign brain tumor.’

I blanked out as I didn’t know how to take the news. Then, he explained that I had Acoustic Neuroma or Acoustic Schwanoma. The tumor was on the right side of my vestibular nerve. It was as big as a raisin.

‘You have the option to undergo,’ he continued # 1. ‘Open Brain Surgery or # 2. Stereotactic Radiosurgery.’ ‘The first option will remove the tumor, but will be very costly,’ he further explained. ‘The second will stop the tumor’s growth but is less expensive,’ he continued. ‘It’s not cancerous as it is benign, but you will decide to do either. Both procedures, however, will cause deafness in your right ear. At that point, I wasn’t sure I was hearing right, as I couldn’t think straight.

I heard him say, ‘You can have a second opinion.’ I remember answering, ‘Yes, we’ll have a second opinion.’

When I left the clinic, I called Patty and told her the news. I also phoned the office and spoke with my department head. I asked if I could take the day off.

I didn’t cry because the news was still a shock to me.

Upon reaching home and entering the house, Patty hugged me and broke into tears. She was filled with worry and anxiety.

I still didn’t cry then. I remember assuring her that God will heal me and generously provide for our every need.

We called our parents, broke the news, and asked their suggestions about our situation. Patty’s mom advised us to call an aunt with many doctor contacts and request a referral. Her doctor referred us to a well-known onco-neurologist at St. Luke’s Hospital. We lost no time seeing him.

I felt differently when I entered his clinic and saw a jolly, smiley face. He asked for the results of my MRI. Looking at the data, he jokingly said, ‘It’s as small as a raisin. You will not die, Mike!’ Given the tumor size, the doctor did not recommend undergoing open brain surgery. He suggested instead doing Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. It’s a more precise radiation procedure than the SRS earlier suggested.


As we inquired about the procedure cost, he casually informed us that Gamma Radio Surgery was way less costly than open brain surgery but more costly than SRS. ‘But I will assure you that the intervention will address the issue, 99.9 percent,’ he concluded.

We wanted to ensure we had the money for the procedure, so we asked again how much we needed to prepare. He then replied, ‘About 550,000 pesos.’ In our health system, all methods, tests, and doctor’s fees are generally personally borne. While some may exist, public hospitals typically tend to be the poorest. So, if you do not have enough savings earmarked for health, you either end up not getting treated or asking all you know to donate and help raise your medical costs.

Going home, Patty and I worriedly thought—we were not even five years married, with children who were still to start school, a family still stabilizing, and we had this enormous challenge before us. We were not ready for this!

We called a few friends and asked for prayers. We even emphasized, ‘Prayers only’! Though some inquired about financial help. One day, my cell group head in young couples of the Missionary Families for Christ (MFC) opened my eyes, saying, ‘ The Lord could be answering your prayer through others helping raise funds to assist you.’ I let go of my pride hearing that.


And, as if the floodwaters rushed in…

– a Praise Concert of worship songs done for the intention of my procedure attracted a packed house audience.

– a former group head in Singles passed the hat among his cell members.

– the Catholic school for girls where I worked also contributed.

– a close friend of ours deposited a token assistance in our account. 

I was awed seeing a staggering amount, almost half our target fund.

– my health insurance was the source of some help.

– Patty, my wife, braved early morning queues at the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes office and was awarded a quarter of what we needed. I honor my wife for that great sacrifice.

The total amount raised was 570,000 pesos, even exceeding the procedure costs.

‘Sobra, sobra pa ang Ibinigay ni God!’ (God provided even far more!)

So, did I ever question God? Ohhhh, YES!

I cried alone almost every day during my prayer time at dawn.

I poured my heart out.

I asked God, ‘WHY?’

And these were my exact words, ‘I served You for ten years as a lay missionary worker, serving You and Your people. And this is how You will repay me? WHY?’

And, you know what?

God answered me with a question as well!

‘Why doubt Me, Mike? Why doubt My generosity and kindness?

Why worry, Mike?



I was testing you and your faith.’

We did not spend a single centavo on this procedure.