My son, Rico’s message on my 80th birthday deeply moved me, and I can’t stop thanking God for his presence in all the years we have struggled to keep the family together with all the challenges facing me. Looking back, I know I could not have done it alone, but with Him, everything was possible. Fidelity to God in all the situations of my life, good and bad times, was the key to Rico’s in-depth learning of the values of life. He was broken as a child, and so were my other two children, but they all grew up with Christian values and are now happily married.
Love, prayers, fidelity, and endurance were the keywords that kept all of us together: united, praying, and hoping that things would come to light one day.
Life now is resplendent with beautiful memories of conversions and forgiveness.
On this journey, we learned to appreciate what a real family is all about. As the eldest child, Rico was always beside me in helping with what needed to be done, mainly giving moral support to his siblings when they had problems. God was always with us as long as we turned to him and did His will. We experienced joy and peace within ourselves amid the chaos outside. At some point during my darkest moments, frustrations and surrendering all attempts to pray would tempt me, but I always remembered what God said: “There will be tribulations on the earth, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Another saying I picked up from the book, “Mary of Nazareth” by Federico Suarez was, “Prayer is the strength of man and the weakness of God,” which led me to the right path. I realized God’s immense love for us if our prayers weaken Him! How can God, with all His greatness, be weak?
Men whom he loved and for whom he died can.
I must reiterate that prayers, fidelity, and endurance are the keys to transforming impossible situations into beautiful moments of conversion, love, and forgiveness.

Dearest Mom,
Too much comes to mind in my attempt to write you this short note. And although no piece of paper will ever be large enough to capture everything, I am most grateful for the following;
Thank you for teaching me…
-that true strength is best exercised and exhibited in silence through the mind and heart…
-that real beauty is best shown and appreciated in the simplest of appearances….
-that it is in putting ourselves last and thinking of others first that we find the true purpose of life…
-that we are only as good as the words we speak and the actions we show…
-that our commitments define what we choose to be in this world…
-that our families, especially our children, are the most valuable treasures we have next only to God’s love….
-that respect can only be earned and never demanded…
-that no challenge or cross is ever too large to bear when the reasons we endure are clear and pure…
-that vanity and self-glorification are of the lowest of endeavors….
-that truth will always have a way of making itself apparent through time…
-that patience and discipline are the true hallmarks of the wise and learned…
-that my road back to heaven is as endless as my mission to better myself for as long as I live…
My struggles continue, but you have equipped my siblings and me with excellent knowledge to pave a meaningful path. You have taught with the least amount of words and the most outstanding response by example and love.
We are genuinely grateful for this as we strive to do the same for our children.
Thank you, Mom….