


White Butterfly has completed its first year. I am grateful to all its contributors, whose articles have captured the essence of why I started the blog — to show that God is present in all creation. He is alive to each of us in unique ways and always relevant to our personal experience. 

In my life, God’s messages have often been lost.  I respond, then lose it the next time around, then respond again, and so on.  But God faithfully stays with me through the cycles, revealing his message to me untiringly.  I believe my responses have become stronger, and my losing less.  In my spiritual growth and healing, he transforms my mind and heart, and I can begin to be life-giving to others – a living witness and bearer of his good news on earth.  

God’s fidelity and healing make our transformation possible.  These are three recurring themes that have emerged in White Butterfly through all its contributors.  I now offer a few examples.


I have been privileged to realize that it is possible to walk in turmoil and pain through one’s youth yet recover. Blossoming into a beautiful young person despite personal struggles can only be attributed to God’s love, healing, and grace. As one contributor expressed,

“What I would like to share with you now is not about my death but my life. At this moment, I remember only bits and pieces of it!  The slow recovery healed me that I don’t even know what it feels like to be down… my soul so content that these traumatic experiences are becoming entertaining anecdotes to add to my story on this Earth.” *


I have witnessed a grace-filled radical transformation – how the long-binding shackles of one’s strong and obstinate will can be broken. It is by faith and complete surrender to God’s love, i.e., learning to let go and let God take over – leaving one with the gift of joyful, interior freedom. As the contributor shared,

“I call on Him in whose company I find all hope and answers. He shows me patiently, one day at a time, how to loosen my white-knuckled clutch at valued attitudes and endeavors that distract me from his call, begging Him to lead me to a dwelling where the clutter of attachments and egos has gone.  In joyful freedom, I welcome Him to my new home, my renewed life.” *


I get inspired and heartened by persons who have looked death in the face many times over. They bear their crosses day after painful day but emerge almost miraculously, victorious in being witnesses to God’s unceasing fidelity.  The use of their gifts and talents are offered to God in praise, thanksgiving, and service to others. According to a contributor,

“The picture itself is worth a thousand words! Evelyn called out while on her morning prayer by the balcony. And, there it was. The Grandeur of the Lord! Another Golden Wedding Anniversary gift as He revealed Himself… allowing us “to see God in all things,” in nature. And this one was special: the golden rays shining from the left; the dark blue sky and misty dark green mountains. It was an awesome scene indeed on a cool and peaceful morning in Baguio. One cannot but exclaim: “It is the Lord!” *

We celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas and his death and life at Easter for this reason – he “changes everything” and makes the difference.  

*Click on the passages if you wish to read these in its entirety.

*Written with the assistance of Alice E. Gonzaga


  1. I thank the Lord for giving me the gift of Celia’s friendship !!!! She has witnessed God’s love for me in many ways through the years. She brought me the comfort and love of God when I needed it most. She was beside me in the happiest times as well. I am blessed that God makes Celia present to me so I may know that the Lord will be beside me always.

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