We are gathered here this morning in thanksgiving for the life God has so graciously given Andy—a life somehow diminished in independence or self-reliance but lived with the purity of a child’s heart. He continues to engage his environment made physically easier by capable and lively caregivers. Perhaps he is not even in pain. But it looks certain that Andy’s emotional comfort and contentment are in the loving, reassuring hands of his wife, Celia, with faith and love leading the way. God does not promise “easy,” and neither does he abandon us.
I recall how, 17 years ago, my wife, Vilma, fell ill with cancer, and I blamed God. Then I realized that it is God who gives us life. He can take it back, for life is transitory indeed. But he also prepares a life of eternal blessedness for us! “Binigyan nya tayo ng buhay, may karapatan syang bawian tayo ng buhay, pero meron naman tayong aasahang kabilang buhay!”
In a talk he delivered to some sick people and their caregivers at the Hospice Foundation of Rome, Pope Benedict reminded everyone, “Sickness is also a sign of God’s love for us!”
Illness is a very painful and unique trial for both patient and caregiver! Still, before the mystery of God who took on our mortal flesh, it receives its meaning. It becomes a gift and an occasion for sanctification (two Latin words: “sanctum” and “facere” – meaning to make holy). The worst suffering and discomfort remind us that Christ associates the sick with his Cross because, through the ill, he wants to speak a word of love to those who have strayed from the road of life and who live in sin and separation from God.
Our health conditions testify that true life is not here but with God, where we will find eternal joy if we humbly follow in Jesus’ footsteps. In the light of our faith, we can read in sickness and suffering a visit from God, who, in a mysterious way, comes to liberate us from solitude and meaninglessness and transform suffering into a meeting with him, into hope and salvation.
As we support, respect, and pray for Celia and Andy in this journey they are now navigating, may we also concern others in similar circumstances. We, after all, belong to God’s family – God’s Kingdom.
Happy birthday, Andy! “Ad Jesum per Mariam!”