Three Words: Heart, Meaning, and Purpose




Isaiah 9:1

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone.

Two weeks before Easter, I took my husband, Andy, to Tagaytay for a two-night stay at our home. Only on Easter Sunday did its significance suddenly dawn on me.

Andy’s dementia started about seven years ago, made increasingly challenging in recent years by loss of appetite, memory, and cognitive functions. It has been quite unsettling and difficult to accept that the 50 years of marriage we had just celebrated seemed to be gone just like that, even if Andy was still physically present.

I sought the Lord’s grace, wisdom, and direction. But having known God’s love and faithfulness throughout my life, I have managed to face reality and learn to wait on him.

During our stay in Tagaytay, I had gone up one night to our bedroom to find Andy, all smiles.  His two caregivers had tucked him into bed, covering him with a light sheet. But it was chilly, as it had been raining that day, so he looked quite contented and delighted when I added a comforter to keep him warmer. I got into the bed and snuggled up to him. And quite spontaneously and unexpectedly, we had an extended, hearty kissing session the likes of which we had not had for a long time.

I think of God as full of surprises – taking me to unknown destinations that may be frightening at first but later makes me appreciate and understand him more and his reason for those “places.” An example of God’s surprise was that recent experience in Tagaytay. The above Isaiah passage has come alive! In my darkness, he makes me see his light.

I realized that Andy and I were doing just what the Lord had revealed to me over a year ago, that even if he and I no longer communicate like we used to, Andy’s heart, soul, and spirit are still intact. We could share “heart to heart”!

During those moments we were together, I felt God blessing us. Three words came to my mind very clearly: heart, meaning, and purpose. I sensed the Lord telling me that he is still very much with us in our life together, that he is the source of our love, from his sacred heart, the one who continues to give meaning and purpose to our relationship, to our marriage. By his passion, death, and resurrection, the Lord has given us new life in him – this Easter gift that makes it possible for us to experience his joy and victory and live our lives fully at every moment and under all circumstances!


  1. Oh what a priceless Easter gift you received, Celia! It moved me to tears. God is unbeatable!

    “For God works marvels in my sight, and holy, holy is God’s name.” – The Magnificat Luke 1:46

  2. This Is so beautiful Celia! Very insightful and very touching. You have very well expressed God’s loving presence in your life together with Andy, with all its ups and downs. May the Lord continue to bless you with patience, Love and persevering faith in the midst of your struggles and challenges and a grateful heart for all the blessings. God bless!

  3. Hi Tita Celia what a beautiful encounter with God that you both had! It is true that our souls continue to love even as our bodies start to fall apart. The soul is where God dwells and He is eternally loving us. Thank you for sharing this with us and filling us with hope.

  4. Celia, so beautifully expressed of a couple’s love as one goes through the peaks and valleys of life’s journey. How awesome is our God to those who have full trust on His divine Will.
    May the love and blessings of our Almighty Father continue to pour on you & Andy for many years of beautiful memories.

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