The Miracle of Kean



Last January 14, 2021, our Lord sent us a trial. My family in the province rushed our nephew, Kean, to the public hospital. He was in bad shape, 50-50, when he reached the hospital and was comatose.

At that time, my family did not know what to do because the doctor said Kean had a blood clot in his vein in the head. The doctor advised them that Kean needed an operation immediately and to transfer him to a private hospital so the doctors could properly operate on him as soon as possible.

My Nanay (mother) and my siblings decided to transfer Kean immediately. The private hospital doctor agreed that my nephew needed an operation immediately since the blood clot might burst. Nanay called me about it. I asked them if they could afford the cost of the operation. Nanay said I would need to advance the money, and I replied why me when I am already spending for them all. I work in Manila as a “kasambahay” (housemaid). Nanay pleaded with me to understand that they had no other source of money. 

I told them to go to Church first and pray for a miracle, hoping God would hear them and make our nephew well. They did not know that one of my brothers had already gone to the Church and prayed. He asked our Lord to please heal my nephew and what he should do so that our nephew will get well and asked if our Lord could hear his prayer to please answer by giving him a sign.  

When my brother stood up from prayer, looking at the back of the Church, he saw a light near the holy water font. He asked our Lord if this might be the sign he was asking for to heal our nephew. He went to the Holy Water font and took some of the holy water. He brought the Holy Water to the hospital and immediately wiped the Holy Water on the whole body of our nephew.  

After several hours passed, Nanay and my brother continued to watch and saw the eyes of our nephew open. They cried together with joy. Kean did not require an operation because the blood clot disappeared. We all thanked our Lord for healing him.   

I am very happy that my family heard and listened to me. I thank God for using me as his channel to bring my family back to him. They have returned to him and now accept his presence in their lives. Today, we are at peace with our Lord, and we all now go to Church on Sunday.

Nothing is impossible with God. We must pray and trust in His Mighty Name.