A Relevant Church
Jesus called the 12 apostles to continue his mission to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Having responded to a life of discipleship, the apostles discovered, along with their designated leader Peter, that it was anything but a smooth journey.
Matthew 16:18:
“And I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I shall build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
Today as the gates of Hades continue the usual, relentless rattling through human fallibility and discord, the Church is called upon more than ever to be a safe gathering place, where differences are brought to dialogue so conflict can turn to common goals and connectivity, where the ecumenical conversation fosters understanding and effectivity by staying in tune with or relevant to expressed concerns and circumstances.
That relevance starts with a Church that listens from the heart to Jesus, open and empty of self, knowing that he is the Cornerstone and Master Builder who never stops listening to all.