Once, while on retreat, I chanced upon a tiny white Butterfly whose surprising impact on me turned out to be anything but accidental. I saw in this beautiful creature that had emerged from a lowly caterpillar God's invitation for my journey of transformation. Thus was White Butterfly born.
I imagine our interior life to be a similar "cocoon" of a humble coming-to-be, where we respond to the work of God's hands as He shapes us to His image. But while our shaping by God is unique to each of us, it is necessarily connected to others, for He has created us as part of a whole...family, community, country, humanity.
Indeed, from the Latin "respondere" comes the word "response" as well as the word "responsibility."
The newly created White Butterfly team believes the responsibility that comes with our response to God is to live His word on the ground, through one another, building a community, a society that is trustworthy, just and compassionate for all.
Thus may we emerge from lowly caterpillars to vibrant butterflies partaking of the nectar that God has meant for every single one of us, no exception!

We invite you to share with us your experience in the cocoon of God's relentless love and "shaping"!
We welcome contributions to this website from persons of any age, gender, faith, profession or vocation. The contributions can come in any form as described in ROAD TO EMMAUS, A RELEVANT CHURCH, DISCOVER, GIFTS & GRACES, and PANANAGUTAN.
Celia "Celery" Tanseco-Lising
I created a blog in November 2017, a year after God’s invitation. I converted this into a website three years later, in November 2020.
Nancy Chichioco-Razon
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
Ernie E. Maipid, Jr.
It's been five years of relentlessly pursuing the White Butterfly and grace has been outpouring! Let the Spirit continue to lead.
Arturo “Art” L. Zuñiga
At times, question comes to mind for many…’ is this the end of my story? Or... we ask for grace each day to have a renewed encounter with Jesus and continue to tell our story!