Road To Emmaus

The Mercy of God

CHARLES H. SPURGEON PSALM  52:8 But i am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of god; i trust in god's unfailing love for ever and ever. Meditate a little on this mercy of the Lord....

The Surprise of Christ

  FR. DAN MACALINAO The Magi had traveled a long way...following a star in search for a king. They assumed they would find him in Jerusalem, the city of David, where power and majesty were expected....

Mary’s Pondering Heart

FR. DAN MACALINAO We just ended the Christmas season, found ourselves reading from Luke’s account of the nativity and the visitation of the shepherds. In this account of the shepherds’ visit, we hear one of the...

A Free Gospel and Free People

FR. RICHARD ROHR* Week One:  Being Salt And Light Richard Rohr expresses the liberation the gospel offers when freed from our cultural and religious expectations:  Without God’s definition of freedom, we will continue to use the gospel...

The Divine in This and in Us

FR. RICHARD ROHR* Week Fifty-Two: Holy Incarnation Father Richard identifies God’s presence with us—right here, right now—in an embodied way.  Most religious people I’ve met—from sincere laypeople to priests and nuns—still imagine God to be elsewhere. Before...


FAYE ESQUILLO Synchronicity is an inexplicable and profoundly meaningful coincidence that stirs the soul and offers a glimpse of one's destiny." - Phil Cousineau It's been three years since I experienced life-changing moments, including my near-death...

Fix my Thoughts…Renew my Mind

CHRIS TIEGREEN fix my thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. PHILIPPIans 4:8 What fills your mind in your...

God is Our Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in Trouble

CHRIS TIEGREEN* In C.S. Lewis's The Horse and His Boy, Bree (the horse) and Shasta (the boy) were chased through the night by a terrifying lion.  They found out much later in the story that...

Like Abraham, We Believe – We Hope – We Trust

*CHRIS TIEGREEN AGAINST ALL HOPE, ABRAHAM IN HOPE BELIEVED AND SO BECAME THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS. ROMANS 4: 18 God gave Abraham a promise and then let him sort it out over the next twenty-five years. ...

My Father: A Man of Faith and Action

CRISTINE TANJANGCO-BORROMEO In the chaotic whirlwind of everyday life, there exists a steadfast beacon of faith and strength in our lives—my father. He is more than a pillar of our family; he is a testament...